natural living

Mar 24, 2011 09:53

I am doing a lot of contemplation in regard to living naturally. I am just a little horrified with the huge amount a chemicals that surround us everyday. There are chemicals that we put on our skin, we injest it, we touch it constantly. What kind of negative impact is this having on my body and state of mind? What impact is it having on my childrens lives? Would they be developing differently if our world was not surrounded by these horrible chemicals?
The other thing that disturbs me is how much work would go into removing those chemicals from our lives. I can't just go round to the corner store to pick up chemical free soap or laundry detergent, or anything for that matter.
Other problem I have found is that when it says all natural, it probably isn't!
What is your advice for someone starting out on this very scary journey?

living: natural, womens health, natural products, beginner information

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