Liquid diet

Feb 22, 2011 01:04

My husband is scheduled to have his hernia fixed in April. Per doctor's orders he will be on a liquid diet for 4-6 weeks. I've been pricing meal replacement drinks and powders, but honestly I don't want to feed him just those for a month and a half. Aside from the boredom of functionally drinking vitamin laced chocolate milk, they can't be all that nutritious long term. I'm not opposed to having them in the rotation, but I'd really like there to be more real food involved. I do not presently own an immersion blender, and I'm not certain I can even find the regular blender it's been that long. I also do not own a juicer.

So, my questions are ....

Do any of you have a blender, immersion or regular, that you love so much that you would recommend it?

Should I get a juicer or do you think I can get by with a good blender? Recommendations for one?

Any thoughts on how to get some semblance of a balanced diet into my husband in liquid form that doesn't involve a lot of powders (I'm not entirely opposed to some great supplemental powder being added to his meals, I just don't want that to be the whole meal, y'know)? Recipes or recommendations for awesome, balanced, nutritious liquid meals?

recommendations, food: beverages, nutritional supplements/vitamins, diet, nutrition, food: appliances, juicing, surgery

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