I'm moving out of my mum's house next week, and my new house has a decent sized front garden. So I was considering moving most of my herbs from here to the new garden, but I'm unsure of the best way to do it, or if it's possible to move such large sized herbs. I only planted them this year, around the end of May, but I think I must have really great soil or something because they grew like absolute crazy. I barely had to tend to them at all, even the coriander went crazy, and I hear it is quite difficult to grow in these climates (I live in Northern Ireland - we have pretty hot summers but the rest of the year is dank, cold and wet). Then my mother's ex chopped it when it flowered and it now looks screwed up and hasn't grown back much at all :(
The herbs I would like to take with me are the mint, sage, parsley, chives, thyme, rosemary and borage.
these are a few months old, they have grown quite a bit bigger than this (the mint is taking over lol but I love it)
The borage has grown a LOT since this, and is currently all kinda falling over on its side..
I really want to take my herb garden with me... I love it so much... great for cooking as well as making my own mouthwash etc.
So basically, has anyone got experience with transplanting any of these specific herbs, and at these kinds of sizes? What sorts of methods would you use to dig them up and move them?
I'm also unsure which of them will survive the winter, if there is any point even moving them or should I just harvest everything I can now? Or are some better suited to being moved indoors into large pots? I'm pretty sure the chives will survive being left outside as I've had those for a few years and they self sow etc... just no idea about the rest as I have little experience with them, and can't seem to find anything specific enough online.