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Why is BHRT National Congressional Call-In Day on Sept. 10, 2008, so important?
The answer is simple-we must unite together to call members of Congress and urge them to protect access for women's health. Though our objective and target are simple, this issue has been brewing for years between FDA, big Pharma and compounding pharmacists. As you know, the stakes in this battle are high-your healthcare options will be limited if FDA and pharmaceutical manufacturers have their way.
What's happening? In 2005, Wyeth, the maker of Premarin and Prempro, called on FDA to shut down compounding pharmacies that prepare bioidentical hormone replacement therapies (BHRT). If Wyeth had its way, women being prescribed compounded hormone medicines to treat symptoms of menopause would be forced to discontinue their treatments. In early 2008, FDA finally answered Wyeth's concerns about compounded hormone medicines with a set of new policies. Most critically, FDA announced that it will "halt" compounding of hormone treatments that contain estriol.
What is estriol? Estriol is a common component of many compounded hormone treatments prescribed by doctors. Estriol is one of three estrogen hormones produced by a woman's body. Women should talk to their doctor or pharmacist to find out if their hormone therapy contains estriol.
Why is FDA trying to take away women's BHRT? Make no mistake-this fight is about Wyeth's wealth, not women's health. FDA's recent action is not based on scientific data or any medical justification. This is simply bad policy influenced by a big drug company.
What are the Congressional resolutions calling on FDA to reverse its policy on estriol? The U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate each have resolutions-H. Con. Res. 342 and S. Con Res. 88, respectively-calling for FDA to reverse its policy on estriol. The resolutions also call on the need for FDA to "respect the physician-patient relationship" and recognize that doctors, not FDA, are in the best position to "determine which medications are appropriate for their patients." They also point out that "FDA has acknowledged that it is unaware of any adverse events" associated with the use of estriol over the past three decades.
These Congressional resolutions are a key tactic to send FDA a message that its estriol policy is not in the best interest of women's health. However, not all Senators and Representatives are aware of FDA's new policy and the effect it will have on women's health. On Wednesday, Sept. 10, the BHRT National Congressional Call-In Day will flood Capitol Hill with phone calls from concerned constituents who will urge their elected members of Congress to sign on to their respective Congressional resolution.
Support women's health-mark your calendar to participate on Sept. 10. And help us spread the word by
clicking here.
Calling is the key to protect BHRT!
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