What are some great natural baby products or natural alternatives I can use on my babe? It can't be anything super expensive. I know there are some natural baby product lines, but they cost so much! My husband and I are doing the whole no 'poo thing and liking it, and it just occured to me the other day that the johnson and johnson, and gerber
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For soap, I love Dr. Bronner's bar soap. They have lots of yummy scents that come from EOs (lavender is my favorite), but you might have to experiment to see if it bothers her skin. They do have a scent-free one marketed as "baby soap" that you could use. It's not as cheap as standard bar soap, but certainly less expensive than a lot of the "natural baby soaps" I've seen (between $2.50-$3.00 a bar is what I've seen; you may be able to do better online or if you can get a bulk discount somehow).
For lotions...hmmm...I use Lansinoh (yeah, the lanolin nipple cream for breastfeeding moms) for dry/chapped skin. I'm actually trying to find a better lotion alternative; in the past I used Trader Joe's unscented hand lotion and cream, but as I've become more mindful of the products I use, I'm finding that even that may not be what I want. Maybe a touch of oil like jojoba or coconut? Others may be able to help here.
No-poo would probably work, but I'd want to dilute it quite a bit. I use the Dr. Bronner's liquid soap on my kids, but depending on how much hair she has, you might be able to get away with a light scrub with a soapy washrag (I had bald babies, so could have gotten away with this for a while; sometimes I forget that some babies have *real* hair, LOL!). I'd probably do a lot of just water rinses.
I'm not sure with the EOs; I'd probably try it, but I don't know enough to categorically say whether it's a good idea or not.
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