Nov 19, 2011 00:14
I'm looking for a very gentle hand soap that is readily available at a store to send to my daughter's school for her. Preferably something foaming, since this is easier to rinse off. I do have a decent natural food store nearby, but no Whole Foods or Trader Joe's. My daughter's school uses Dial and she has developed a sensitivity to it, leaving her hands chapped. This started when she used my mom's Bath and Body Works Moisturizing antibacterial hand soap (yuck!). And her hands start to clear up over the weekends when she's home (We use Softsoap foaming, but looking for something better now). So, I'm assuming it's more to do with the antibacterial chemicals than anything. She has very sensitive skin and breaks out with small patches of extremely stubborn eczema a few times a year. She has a prescription for Protopic that her Derm says is fine to use on this hand problem, but I want to avoid that if I can.