Oct 29, 2011 21:58
I've been pretty puzzled by a rash my son has had off and on for a couple of months now. It's only on the top of his forearm and the backs of his lower legs. It's mild for the most part. It has a pimply, raised look to it but not read at all and not at all itchy- it never bothers him. It gets a little inflamed with a quick bath (generally don't use soap and when we do it's an organic one we've used for over a year), so we skip a bath for him every other day. That helps a real little bit. For the most part his skin isn't all that dry but I've tried a very basic babyganics lotion. If I mix a tiny bit of cortisone in it that helps, but I like to stay away from that if I can.
Any ideas what this could be or tips on how to manage it a little better? It's getting colder here so maybe it is just irritated dry skin, but those parts of his body are always covered anyway. No new soaps, lotions, foods, etc. Nothing really new at all. It puzzles me a little because it's definately not hives- he's had those before. It seems like a contact rash to me but it's never on his belly, tops of his thighs or upper arms, back, etc. I'm going to skip milk products for the next week to see what happens but he's never had problems with foods before, and never dairy products.
Any suggestions? I'll ask the Dr when we're in there next, I'm just trying to figure out what could be going on.