The hubby had an extra long day involving - amoung other things - running 40 laps around a track for a memorial run, so he's dead to the world, I'm not at all sleepy, and y'all get a meme.
Pick a trope from this list and provide a fandom/pairing and I'll tell you something about the story I'd write for that combination (i.e. write a snippet from
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Boy Meets World, Cory/Shawn, historical AU
I love you so much right now. Your husband is a lucky man. ;-)
CAN YOU SEE MY FEELS????? THIS IS FANTASTIC AND SWEET AND I WANT TO CUDDLE IT FOREVER. These two are my OTP, so everything is a button, but the whole closeness thing, especially. 10/10.
Also, when did you get British...or do they use the "ou" spelling down south?
...oops? Having a hard time figuring out how to type on a Kindle without its bossy spellcheck trying to override what I'm trying to say and CLEARLY the technology has won again. *head!desk*
...oops? Having a hard time figuring out how to type on a Kindle without its bossy spellcheck trying to override what I'm trying to say and CLEARLY the technology has won again. *head!desk*
OMG. My Kindle does the same thing to me. It's like, "You wanted to write 'ramen'? No, I don't think so. I'm gonna change it to 'taken.' ...did you just try to write 'ramen' again? LOL. NOPE."
Old West cowboy fic in which Cory and Shawn are still longtime childhood buds, but Shawn was led astray into being a train / bank robbing outlaw while Cory is a deputy in training via Sheriff Ferny who is torn over his desire to bring Shawn back to the good side of The Law. Corny AU insanity ensues.
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