The hubby had an extra long day involving - amoung other things - running 40 laps around a track for a memorial run, so he's dead to the world, I'm not at all sleepy, and y'all get a meme.
Pick a trope from this list and provide a fandom/pairing and I'll tell you something about the story I'd write for that combination (i.e. write a snippet from
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When she was bundled up like this - sweaters and jackets and denim and fleece - he could almost watch the paranoia life had given her melt off of her in waves as her body temperature rose back to normal levels beneath her extra layers of cloth armour.
He watched her - or what he could see of her from the angle she had shifted in sleep to cuddle against his shoulder - remaining exposed skin of her cheek and ear glow flickering reds and yellows by the dancing firelight. The way her body pinned his right arm down gave very little room for him to shift without waking her and reach for the wayward curl that had been tickling his cheek for the last hour, but somehow he managed.
Her hair was smooth and the type of barely there silky he'd always imagined the rest of her uncharted body would be.
He'd be more than willing to break the Professor's heater - and face the potential wrath of everyone else in the building - again in the near future for even five more minutes of this.
CAN YOU SEE MY FEELS????? THIS IS FANTASTIC AND SWEET AND I WANT TO CUDDLE IT FOREVER. These two are my OTP, so everything is a button, but the whole closeness thing, especially. 10/10.
Also, when did you get British...or do they use the "ou" spelling down south?
...oops? Having a hard time figuring out how to type on a Kindle without its bossy spellcheck trying to override what I'm trying to say and CLEARLY the technology has won again. *head!desk*
...oops? Having a hard time figuring out how to type on a Kindle without its bossy spellcheck trying to override what I'm trying to say and CLEARLY the technology has won again. *head!desk*
OMG. My Kindle does the same thing to me. It's like, "You wanted to write 'ramen'? No, I don't think so. I'm gonna change it to 'taken.' ...did you just try to write 'ramen' again? LOL. NOPE."
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