Sample Con Harassment Policy

Sep 07, 2012 22:32

So, there's been, understandably, a lot of talk about con harassment policies lately, and in the run up to the 2012 Discworld Convention we suddenly realised that while we had one in the minds of the committee, we didn't have it written down, so really, like any unwritten policy, it didn't exist. Dónal, whose LJ I can't remember, wrote the first draft of this, I tweaked it quite a bit, then I asked the0lady and ailbhe to take a look at it and they tweaked it more. I'm quite happy with it now and so, 'cos I thought it might be useful and save others the bother, I wanted to put it online for people to steal in case it might be useful to them. I realise other cons have them and it's possible we could have avoided reinventing the wheel, but as we have, here it is. Use it, don't use, discuss it, etc. Here it is anyway:


((insert con or organisation name here)) is dedicated to providing a safe and comfortable convention experience for everyone. Harassment of any kind, including unwelcome attention, verbal harassment, deliberate intimidation, stalking, or unwelcome physical contact - let alone physical assault or battery - will not be tolerated.

If you are being harassed, notice that someone else is being harassed, or have any other concerns, please contact a member of the convention committee immediately ((possibly let people know how to identify said committee or go to Ops or something)).

Your reports of harassment or similar activity will be recorded and the Chairman will be informed. The convention committee will discuss the situation internally, as well as with any relevant parties, and a decision will then be made on what, if any, action is to be taken.

Convention participants violating these rules may be sanctioned or expelled from the convention at the discretion of the convention committee.

In addition to dealing with the harassment quickly and decisively ourselves, convention staff will be happy to help participants contact hotel security and/or the Police ((or the name of your local force)), provide escorts, or otherwise assist those experiencing harassment to feel safe for the duration of the convention.

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