All My Head With Discworld Filled

Aug 22, 2012 10:30

A few years ago I wrote a piece on my LJ about Gaelcon ( and how, in the run up to the con, it filled every available space in my life and head. At this point in time the Discworld Convention 2012 ( is doing pretty much the same thing. The con starts on Friday, but some of the committee will be in the hotel from today to start the on-site prep. With 950 or so people descending for the weekend there's a *lot* of prep to do, as you might imagine.

I've been involved in the Discworld Convention in one form or another since it started in 1996. That year I was "just" a Gopher and I helped out with a couple of programme items. In 1998 I ended up as Operations Manager and in 2010 they took away all my power and made me Chairman, a role I'm reprising in 2012 (and then I won't be Chairman any more, someone else's turn).

It's difficult to describe just how much this con and this community means to me. It's been such a part of my life for sixteen years and there have been so many highs & lows associated with it all. The highs, it should be pointed out, far outweigh the lows. I've made good and close friends, laughed my head off, fell in love at least once, in lust more than once and watched thousands of people have a great time. More than worth the financial, emotional and mental price of entry.

And so, this weekend, me and my amazing committee (without whom I would be a nervous wreck and, more importantly, there would be no convention) will do it all again. It fills my brain and I love it. After four years I'll miss being the Chairman. After this there are other things to do and other mountains to climb, but for the next few days I'm just going to enjoy the view from the top of this one!
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