Oct 12, 2005 16:33
So last night right....
Brennan and I were backing out of the driveway on our way to blockbuster to rent 'The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants' YES I really did want to see that movie. Anyway...as we were sitting in the coldesaq (HOW in gods name do you spell that word?) Our cool kid starting lineup football soon to be pro player of st. Mary's scared the poopoo out of me. Ala` freddy krugar style....i wasn't of course paying attention and he threw himself on the car...well not really...but it seemed that way atm.
That was exciting.
For the past week or so I have been debating if I should even go to Bizounce. (Those of you in the know….KNOW and those who aren’t it’s a party in Denver on the 29th) Anyways, I haven’t had much luck finding a corset for my gypsy costume that wasn’t painfully expensive $600+. I wanted a good quality one…you know for maximum breast lift-age and bosom flaunting… but not for half of my monthly paycheck. SO in the wee hours of last night slumber I woke Brennan up to tell him we weren’t going to go, end of story. HAH! Yea right, duh stupid sleepy Natalie forgot that DAVE will be spinning at this party, and for crying out loud I would never miss any of his sets if I could absolutely help it. SO we are now going again…not in costume…but just to have fun. Phill is going with us, it should be fun right?
Of course
It will be a good reason for me to have glitter spray and fun makeup. Or something Hahha.
This has been a complete week of hell. GAH papers, tests, presentations OH MY!
On a way brighter note….guess what I am getting. A RING!
And it isn’t just ANY kind of ring. It is….EHEM…a FANTASTIC ¾ ct CANERY DIAMOND RING! BWAHHAHHAA I LOOOOOOOOOOVE THAT RING….it is the most amazing piece of jewelry I have ever seen. I mean…*drool*
It was shipped up to the store today from pueblo, I should have it by the end of the month. WEEEEEEEEEEEEE its mad gorgeous BLING bitches.