Welcome to my Livejournal.
I created a Livejournal account on my birthday, first of Nov, 2004. At the time my posts were public, but strange words from a stranger unknown made me rethink the concept of having your Being, in all its many degrees of complexity, points of vulnerability and awkwardness, free to browse at the leisure of faceless or hidden individuals, who may wreck what havoc they please, or meet what mal-intentions they might have, unknowing to you or out of your power to respond to.
On July 2nd, 2005, I made the decision to friends-lock my journal.
On August 17th, I first created the divisions to my posts; the Levels.
On October 24th, I created the first Extensions, and several Extensions were later added.
Over a year later, on the 29th of November, '06 I was gifted with a Paid account. Needless to say, the overhaul planned and implements since then is immense. The journal layout was rehauled, (the second time this has occurred in this journal's history) and the workings of the journal was reviewed.
On Dec 5th, I created the first IdeaWorks
On March 5th, 2007, this overview post was created (since modified);
Past overview posts have been tagged (old_level_desc) and friends-locked.
On 23/09/07 The Tag system was fully implemented (and is summarised below)
On ??/??/?? The Biopsy was first formed
On ??/??/?? The mood icon set (Entities) was finally completed.
Who knows what developments the journal will have in the future.
My Livejournal has evolved as I have. Over time it has developed a complex system of posting, that can better grasp the nuances of my workings as a person, as a mind. From my first, simple, naïve posts, to my cautious divisions of thought, to my refinement of Self. When once I used the Levels as a barrier; clearance checkpoints, locked doors to which keys are given to whosoever I trust, I see them now as Choice of Depth; doors that are closed, but unlocked. I will not deny anyone access, but I will advise which areas one might or might not want to tread upon. My audience has grown from one or two to a dozen, more.
This is a post to be let into the building, a meeting point to be greeted and welcomed, to tour the facilities. All comments are screened, so feel free to say whatever you wish. Please note that as this is a regulated journal, anonymous users cannot have access to it. In order to gain access, a livejournal account has to be created. This is an easy enough thing, and there is no requirement to do anything with the journal account.
The divisions of this journal are listed below, due to the delay of the completion of the Biopsy, category descriptions will be created at some later point in time.
Level 1: Casual postings
Level 2: A little bit weird
Level 3: Down into the rabbit hole
Level 4: Deep into the rabbit hole
Level 5: The locked cage
Extension; School
Extension; Dreams
Extension; Health
Extension; Quiz
Extension; Family
Ideaworks: My Manga
Ideaworks: Creature Barn
Ideaworks: TCG Concept
Ideaworks: Ofanburuu
The Tag System:
The tag system is not completely comprehensive, there are a number of small free-floating tags for individual references of thought. However, there are three main divisions within the tag system:
Call: These posts are self standing, or small groups of related posts, that I have personally flagged as interesting or insightful writings that, more often than not, deal with some complexity of my Being or the workings of my Mind. I often consider these tagged posts the ones worth reading, and rereading, and rereading.
Collate: This is a more organised use of tags, the purpose of which is to group/gather certain posting types, and thus may overlap with other tags or each other. The main tags of this involve:
collate: insight - the recommended stop off for post collection, bringing together all the 'call' posts and a few additional posts besides
collate: music - links to various pieces of music I enjoy
collate: linky - external links typically of quirky or humourous nature, unfortunately, due to the changing nature of the internet, many of these links become broken over time.
collate: quiz - The different access points of my journal can not be viewed in isolation if you have access to a few, thus, I sometimes collate entire category-posts, such as in quiz, or dream.
collate: articles - One of a few planned one-post collation, linking to various places of interests and journal posts covering their discussion. When I can find it and thus tag it, I have a similar collation of the webcomic listings I frequent, and of postings to Ideaworks posts, such as my Autobioga.
A number of collations relating to personal works: Photos I've taken, prose I've written, poetry (mine) etc. etc.
A number of minor collation tags occur
Consider: This includes posts of a similar vein to call, however they are more discussion or idle thoughts than something held on a more personal level, for lack of a better description. The feel of these posts vary from those of call posts.
The different divisions are brought together by the inclusion of a 'Call:', 'Collate:' or 'Consider:' at the beginning of the tag, thus grouping these tags together in the tag list for easy perusal (which is alphabetical)
Find out what you have access to. (Tag: Access) - NB: This can only be viewed if you are logged in and have any degree of access.