
Jan 24, 2010 05:25

back in the days when i would come home from the bookstore with a bag (or several bags) chockful of books my parents would tell me not to finish them all at once or i won't have anything left to read.

i wish i never listened.

old habits are hard to break...

been spending the last few weeks downstairs putting up with mother yelling at the tv screen at the imcompetent fools that make up the team she's rooting for. sigh. if it irritates you so, do yourself a favour and find some other team to cheer for, why don't you? it'll save you and me a whole lot of stress. ....of course, scoring a goal silences her. otherwise she'd be muttering bodoh... bodoh... under her breath. arghh the stress....

seriously, i cannot stand watching anything locally produced with my parents. yes, they're bad, we all know that, but must you make it worse by complaining about the same thing every single time? how do you expect to enjoy anything if you're going to pick at every fault and flaw you come by? if i said i'm going to enjoy something, then i'm going to enjoy it..... once you would shut up.

why did i set up camp here again? ah right, i couldn't bear the sight of a broken machine. bwaaaaaaaa.....

checked out some of the recent theme songs this season. favourite is still that omahima op. wouldn't it be nice if AyaRuka became something like the next Melocure? i mean, Kawada has done a number of anison, but this song is being credited to a unit name despite the fact that it sounds like Kawada only provides the back-up chorus (for the tv version anyway), and that's kinda like Melocure! plus columbia's releasing the single.... er, in any case, hope to hear more from Sakamoto.

ah, marble's song is nice too.

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