Aug 12, 2007 19:14
Parents went home, Danny started work, Christina is working a double, Alana is in Tally.
I am alone for the first time since I moved back and there is too much to think about so I am playing solitaire in my underwear because I am yet to find my comfort food.
We finished my room today and it is exactly what I wanted. When Danny gets off work we’re bringing the wicker stuff from his place. I didn’t like the colors so we spray painted everything at the park. We also found a hidden soccer field. I love trees.
I got to show my parents Sandie’s and Ward’s which for whatever reason made me so so so happy. They loved Ward’s just as much as Danny and I do, so some amazing food was cooked this weekend and we went through a box of nag champa.
Mom bought me highlighters in every single color so I am feeling a lot better about auditions already. If you are not a bassdrummer I guess the previous sentence makes no sense. She also loved our apartments so she promised to visit a lot. My dad didn’t promise anything so I swore to myself I’d save up for a trip to Colombia. That situation has me crying at everything.
Thrifting for useless things that make rooms cute was an extreme success.
Another season of drum corps has come and gone and Noel won drums two years in a row with two different lines. Outrageous.
Well, more expresso needs to be made and toes need to be painted.