Who: Finland, Hana-tamago
nation_ask Channel Studio
When: [Present]
Summary: Moi moi! This week, Finland will talk with us about music, the weather, and marital problems... Thank goodness there are no questions about food. whew~
This Week's Guest:
Nation: Finland
No. of Questions: 4
Theme/ Rating: None
Show Times: 5/3/09 ~ 5/7/09
• In order for the interview to run smoothly, only the interviewed Nation and Hana-tamago will be able to post in this thread.
• BUT, if you'd like to make commentary, please comment on the
Studio Audience Thread (and Hana-tamago will try to include it in the conversation.)
• NEW RULE for interviewed nations: Feel free to keep interview going, even if it continues after the end date. I'll be happy to stick around and finish asking the remaining questions. Likewise, if you feel that the questions are getting tedious / you're busy, please PM me and I'll cut the interview short whenever. ♥
• Hana-tamago start a new thread for each question. (Just to make navigation easier. ♥)
Sign Ups: If any nations still want to participate, it's not too late! Sign ups are open forever!
Channel Schedule: When will your favorite Nation be interviewed? Tune into the channel schedule and start preparing your questions!
Studio Audience: Want to give commentary and feedback to this week's Nation? Please be a part of our studio audience and give a shout out~
Special thanks to: question submitters, participating Nations, Prussia-mod for approving this event, and Norway-mun (
alt_for_noreg) for organizing and doing so much of the behind the scenes work!