Messiah Complex

Jan 24, 2008 19:03

Messiah Complex.

I enjoyed it.

It's weird to simply say that, no buts. I liked the awesome twist with Bishop, I think that it makes sense. The end was surprising. Not only Charles' death but also the reaction to it. You'd think that they would continue his legacy instead of dissolving the X-Men. I liked the last lines by Scott: "It was Xavier's dream, wasn't it? It began with him, and it ends with him. There are no X-Men."

They will be back, sure, but I like the idea.

There will be totally new line-ups and the titles will take new directions. I just want Layla to come back. She can't just go. She is such an important part of X-Factor, she can't be stuck in the future.

The preview for X-Men Legacy #208 seems particularly interesting: What becomes of the world's most powerful telepath after his mind has been shattered by a bullet?

I can't help to think about the last scene of X-Men: The Last Stand before the credits roll, when Magneto is sitting by himself playing chess. When I watched this scene for the first time I was sure that Charles would somehow be back, maybe not in corporal form, but I thought that it was him in some way and now they are talking about Charles' mind after his death.

The kid. I thought about Jean throughout the whole thing. A baby with green eyes. The last close-up of her is creepy. The baby body and this very female face. I hope it's not Jean.

I'm curious about the new Cable series. X-Force and Young X-Men don't sound very interesting, though.

comics, 2008, marvel, x-men

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