pissed off big time

Jan 24, 2008 16:56

I am so fucking mad at my mom and Glaucia that I can't even start to put the anger into words. After school we were going to go shopping. AC and I. I told her to ask Dani to come along. When they came to pick me up at school, there was a lovely surprise waiting in the car: Glaucia had tagged along. The moment I saw her, I knew it wouldn't turn out any good but I didn't know it would be as fucked up as it ended up being.

We bought liquor. Problem: Whenever I said, "That is nowhere near enough", Glaucia started to scream, "This is TOO much!" and ran away with the cart. It's hart to imagine but that's how it was. She also got some beer although I kept insisting that nobody would drink this shit. Surprisingly, she didn't ignore what I said as she usually ignores whatever people say that doesn't fit her, she told me that everywhere she went, people drank this beer and this beer alone.

As I'm not an expert, I phoned my sister to ask her is the beer I thought was the one people our age liked and she confirmed my assumption, Glaucia had already steered the cart to the cashier and they were almost done there. I managed to get for dozens of beer and get rid of the beer Glaucia wanted. I also kept whining about this being a lot of things, but not enough, that the alcohol would run out right away. No answer, just happy chatter because I was ignored once again. Dani stood by without saying a word. It is her fucking party! She should be saying something as well, at least about what is bought. But she didn't say a single fucking word.

When we came home, I haqd already announced that I'd ask someone who had a car and did not ignore me or disagree with everything I said to go buy more alcohol, mainly beer, with me. My sister sided with me telling Glaucia and AC repeatedly that even with twice that amount of beer it wouldn't be enough.

I am just totally pissed off because they acted as if I weren't there. I was protesting, trying to point out that Glaucia and AC were totally wrong (in fact AC didn't say much, it was Glaucia, AC just stood by). So I'll buy the rest of what I feel we need with my money and if my mom pays me back later on, that's okay, if she doesn't ... I don't care. It's not my party, it's Dani's, but it's at my house and if we're doing it, we're doing  it right.

dani, family, 2008, friends, ac

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