NaNo Day 15 ... actually, I talk about men

Nov 15, 2007 22:10

I'm back in the game, but I'm too lazy to look up my wordcount.

I just watched an episode of Gossip Girl with my sister and I have to admit that Ed Westwick can be sexy. I didn't have the impression when I first saw him, but I changed my mind, he has these puppy eyes that make him look tired and seems so sure of himself and that's sexy. Don't dare to ask who it reminds me of, because it ... they are very different, God, I'm so not going there.

THis episode of the series made me realize it, it's like with Nathan Fillion where it took me somewhat longer to realize he was handsome, not like with David Tennant or Milo Veigntimiglia or Josh Holloway or even Henry Ian Cusick who you only have to see once to know that these guys are just smoking hot. It's funny how some guys are hot without a doubt, who you have to just look at to decide that they are hot and then there are others where you need some time for the realization to strike you. (And now I am not in the slightest referring to the one I almost mentioned above because I decided not to mention his name again as long as he doesn't get in contact with me).

It is interesting how some people have to grow on you while others are imediately labelled "hot". And not only with these men, also in real life. I have four or five examples I could cite but, well, one of them is banned from my lj (which I am making official in this post) and the others, well, it's the stuff that is too much in my head for me to simply give out. There is stuff private enough for me not to mention it in my lj. I know how weird that sounds but if it weren't weird, it wouldn't be real.

By the way, if I end up giving away any too private information in this post, it is because I am very tired. There is no subtext in this entry that can be dissected or anything.

Oh, and yes, I acknowledge that Dumbledore is gay. He might have had a short-time relationship with Grindelwald when he was younger but during the years the books are set in, he did not have any sexual interaction with any of the other  characters featured in the book. He was not with Snape and he was not interested in Harry, he only loved him as a grandson, not in any other fashion. And if Rowling decides to hint at the fact that Dumbledore did in fact have a romantic relationship with any of the books' main characters, I am going to freak out and it'll take me an eternity to get over it, not just two or three weeks like with the announcement that Dumbledore was gay.

gossip girl, lost, julchen, men, nano, tv, 2007, harry potter, books, doctor who

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