chapter 3

Apr 03, 2009 11:20

Here is the next chapter.  I'm not happy with it.  I feel like I'm bouncing between characters too much, but I can't think of a way to write what I want without doing it.  Any suggestions would be nice, thank you.

Title: None yet
Author: Nathansslut
Pairing/characters: all the boys are here, eventually Nathan/Toki
Rating: PG
Summary: Nathan and Toki discover their feelings
Warnings: This chapter, swearing.  I mean it is Dethklok we're talking about here.

Disclaimer.  I do not own Dethklok, Charles Ofdensen, or Lucky Charms.  If I did you would be watching this garbage, lol.  I make no money off this, just having fun.

The next day at the breakfast table (ok, maybe brunch. It was noon after all.) everyone was gathered in various stages of eating. Pickles looked up from picking at his eggs, took a gulp of his oj and vodka.

"Where's Toki?" he asked as he blearily looked around the room.

Skwisgaar didn't even pause in his guitar playing and breakfast ignoring as he answered. "He still sleepkings."

This pulled Nathans attention from devouring his steak and eggs.  He looked up and around confirming the absence of the rhythmist. "Uh...that's not like him.  He ok?" Usually the kid was up at the crack of dawn.  Nathan felt a pull of worry. Maybe he should have check on Toki last night.

"Is not his doktors." Here Skwisgaar did look up to give Nathan a bored look, though his fingers kept moving. "He sleep bad. I tink he just tired."

"Awwwwwwww FUCK! He'sh not gonna take another pershonal day ish he?! That ish just bull schit!" Muderface spit eggs across the table, as he slammed his knife into it.

"Dood, Muderface, he's just sleepin' in.  Relax, I'm sure he'll make it to practice fiiine." Pickles was trying to keep his drink covered and protected from Murderface's spittle.

Nathan continued to just stare at the remains of his breakfast.  Maybe he should go check on Toki now. What if he woke him? That wouldn't be good...or would it? Nathan shook his head, chasing images of gently kissing Toki awake, and holding him close out of his mind.

Just then Toki wandered into the dining hall from the direction of the kitchen with a heaping bowl of cereal. Pickles cast an 'I told you so' look at Murderface, who, in turn, pulled his knife from the wood and reburied it into the table. Frustration at losing his bitch of the moment evident on his face.

Toki sat next to the Swede, exchanging greetings and quickly started devouring his cereal. Nathan watched him in, what he hoped, was a  covert manner, debating whether or not to ask how he was doing. This would have been out of character for the front man though. He never asked how anyone was, unless he wanted to write and Pickles or Skwisgaar looked like they may not be sober enough. Even that usually consisted of him kicking their leg and saying 'Hey douche, you feel useful?'  Its not that he didn't care how his band mates were, but it wasn't metal to ask... that and Pickles usually asked.  The drummer wasn't asking Toki today though, to hung over or drunk to ask.  With his previous images of Toki and him still haunting his mind, Nathan was on the verge of just asking himself, when Charles Ofdensen walked into the room.

"Boys, I have some business to discuss with you." Charles started talking knowing full well the band had tuned out after the word business.

Toki happily munched on his Lucky Charms, for the most part ignoring Charles, only listening for key words that signaled he should pay attention.  He heard Charles getting Skwisgaar attention.

"Skwisgaar, Gibson wants you to go California for some promo shots and interviews."

"Eh... Is don't knows.  Toki comes too, ja?" Skwisgaar's attention never left his guitar.

"No, they only want you there, and, quite frankly, Toki could use the band practice. You all need to practice together more than what you have been. I think it best if Toki stays here.  I also think you should go. You do have an endorsement deal with them that requires you to do these things, and you blow them off way too often."

"Ifs we needs to be practicking togethers more, maybe I shouldn't be leavking."

Charles frowned at this. "Of course that would be ideal, but you do have other obligations to meet."

Toki had stopped eating and was listening to the two men. He knew what Skwisgaar was doing.  Toki had not been sleeping well at all the last week.  His nightmares increasing in frequency and intensity. His blond friend didn't want to leave Toki alone to deal with them. "Yous should go Skwisgaar! Sounds likes fun!"

"No Toki, is didoes. Ders no good sluts, and all dey talk 'bout is geetar, and dey is dumb, dey not know noting about it. I no want to go." The lead guitarist looked up from his guitar and stopped playing.  Sky blue eyes met ice blue saying, without words, that he didn't want to leave him along right now.

"Skwisgaar, you always sayings dat, but you finds sluts, and yous loves telling people dey is stoopids 'bout geetar. You always has fun. Go!"  Toki was putting all of his confidence into his eyes and voice, trying to convince his taller counterpart he would be fine.

Skwisgaar dropped his gaze and started playing his guitar again, obviously not convinced but saying "Fines. I goes. When do I leaves?"

Charles sighed with relief. "You'll be leaving on Wednesday. Now, I have some Deth Merch proposals for you...."

Toki zoned out again. Decisions about those types of things were almost always made by Nathan. He was wondering what he would do if he kept having nightmares while Skwisgaar was gone. Even if he chose to go to another band mate (Nathan?), he was sure they would ask questions about what the dreams were about. How would he answer?  Thinking of Nathan, he noticed those green eyes staring at him again. He's probably thinking what a cry baby I am. Almost making Skwisgaar stay here because I can't even fucking sleep. He tore is eyes away as more pleasant thoughts started to form of Nathan kissing him, holding him tight against him, and whispering, with that deep voice, how he would keep the nightmares away.  He didn't want those thoughts going through his head while Nathan was staring at him like that.  Little did he know Nathan was fighting off similar images.
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