Mar 16, 2007 01:49
How can people be so ignorant? Don't really expect an answer to that but it's just something that's annoying me today. I'll explain. On the train home from college today I heard this girl, who was sitting a few seats down from me, talking about how she didn't realise a haggis wasn't an actual animal. She also went on to talk about how she never knew Stevie Wonder was blind. Now I could maybe, just maybe, accept somebody not knowing one of these things but both is just mind boggling. I must also point out this wasn't some wee girl, she looked like she was at least my age and Scottish(I feel this is an important point because if she was from anywhere else I could just put it down to simple ignorance of another culture). This whole thing annoyed me more because of a story I was told this morning, it may not be true but I that's just wishful thinking. It was about a girl who asked her friends if they knew who the president of the USA is. When they replied: "George Bush" she merely said she didn't know that. Her explanation for this being that she didn't watch the news. Now I don't watch the news very often but I would be able to tell you the president's name. How could you not know something like that. I mean I'm sure that in some obscure or undeveloped countries that people may not be aware of who George Bush is, but this is Britain, a country that has strong ties with America and has a vast media. Surely it would actually require a great deal of effort to be that ignorant. This isn't arrogant of me to expect somebody to know this, is it? It's not like I'm saying: "Oh, she wasn't familiar with the third law of thermodynamics, stupid bitch." I just don't think there's an excuse to be so clueless. I'll admit there may be some things that plenty of people know that I don't but I don't believe that it is something as basic as the name of the president of America. Anyway that's me ranted enough and I'm calm now so have a good weekend and goodbye.