Sep 08, 2006 20:43
So, due to a number of things at work, I've been asked/forced/decided on my own to review my career so far. Basically, is this really what I want to do? Jay and I had a falling out one day, and then he and I had an hour long conversation the next day. Well, he talked, I listened. It boils down to, 'you might not be a world class geologist, and that's OK. However, you need to find out what you do want/need to be.' He went on about how it's fine for folks to go to school for something and then wind up having a happy fulfilling career doing something else. (My dad is an excellent example of this... my mother too, though in a different way) It's ok to bounce around a bit if you need to. And it's very good to take stock of what you like in a job, and in life, and balance things out. So, that's what I want to do. One of his lines that hit me, that really hit me hard, is that one needs to factor in other things in life outside of work which are important to one personally. Some can go on the road all the time, some can be in the field all the time, and some prefer the 8 to 5 because of the other things in their life that they do. And each person prefers something different, and it's OK.
I talked with Nate later in that day, and he said he's been trying to give me work that fits my skills better. He also stated that he really didn't want me to leave CPI. He also asked flat out if I was considering it. I stated no, i wasn't. But I was worried that when I really figure out what I want to do, I might not fit in with CPI anymore.
So, my life first.
I value what I do outside of work greatly. Recently, I feel like I haven't had time for myself. I want to paint, play games, keep the house clean, see friends, go to SCA meetings and events, and sing. Last spring, I missed half the semester of choir, and all the concerts cause I was out it Chicago. I was seriously bummed about that. I enjoy being outdoors, but just cause of my size, heat and humidity affect me greatly. This is not good for summer drilling programs. Losing weight will help that. However, I also feel I don't have time to exercise AND do all the other things I want. For the past several weeks, I haven't gone to the gym, due to staying late at work, or running home to do other things instead. That might ease after the wedding, though.
My job.
Simply put, I'm a crappy geologist. I can't remember a lot of the little details from rocks. I have troubles connecting certain dots. I can't always remember basic things I should know about rocks. This is partly from crappy schooling (i'm pretty convinced of that when I hear of Nate and Kevin's schooling), and quite a bit from a crappy student. I can do OK on a drill rig and pick out limestone, shale, calcite, fault zones, the basics. But I can't always figure out what it means.
On the other hand, I love making maps and plans in AutoCAD. I made a mine plan a few weeks ago, and I think i did it with a big smile on my face the whole time. I was working on a plant diagram recently, and had an absolute blast doing it. Nate's right when he says I am good at organizing files and data and paperwork (even if I grumble), and I am interested in permits and other laws like that. I enjoy thinking about the trucks, the plants, the equipment, the haul routes, etc.
I think I can be a more than adequate data collection monkey IF I keep my mind focused. I wonder if I should see a doc about that.
I think these lists will grow over time. But looking at everything, and knowing how critical some jobs are... it seems that I should not be a field geo on the level of Nate. I'm not good enough. hmm. AutoCAD technician. Hate that thought... but it might be the best thing for me.