FANFIC NCIS - The talk

May 16, 2021 21:31

Title : The talk
Disclaimer : I don’t own anything. It’s just for fun.
Summary : Missing scene from the end of the episode « unseen improvements »
Takes place in season 18, episode 14.
Rated K : pairing Ellick (Ellie Bishop and Nick Torres)

« Ladies first »… Right. She had started this conversation, after all. So it was only fair that she was the one to go first. Only now, she had lost all her confidence. Maybe she could take a rain check and run out of the elevator before the doors closed.

She sighed. It would only make things awkward. And she was tired of pretending. It was pointless anyway, because all the office seemed to know what was going on between them.

« Ok Nick. So, ever since… hum… we were in the jail cell together…hum ». The elevator doors were closing now and from the corner of her eyes, she could see Nick turning slightly and facing her. Oh, damn !

Focusing on the closed doors in front of her, she continued. «… I can’t stop thinking about what you said to me, the implication of it. And I’m wondering… you know, if by any chance, you are reciprocating my feelings… » She bit nervously her bottom lip, afraid to make eye contact with her coworker. « Or maybe, I misinterpreted things ».

Her fingers kept fidgeting with the buttons of her coat. « And I keep repeating those words in my head… » A faint laugh came out of her mouth « … obsessively ». She sighed and closed her eyes to find the courage to continue. « And I don’t know what to do about it », she whispered.

She found out that closing her eyes helped, after all. So, she focused on her emotions and allowed frustration and anxiety to run free. « And I start panicking because, I’ve been married before and yet, I’ve never felt anything like this, for anyone. But ever since I’ve known you… » She sighed and ran a trembling hand in her hair. « I don’t know… It’s like… you’re in all my thoughts. »

She opened her eyes and dared to glance at her partner. « And it’s gonna sound so ‘cliché’ but… I’ve got you under my skin ». She noticed his smile and it gave her the strengh to continue. « And it’s overwelming and scary at the same time ».

She fell silent suddenly, afraid that she might have said too much. At that moment, Nick chose to walk away from her, heading to the closed doors. She then spotted the floor numbers decreasing rapidly on the control panel and she began to panick. Maybe he didn’t feel the same way. After all, he was a lone wolf. Her oversensitive heart and her pathetic declaration of love might have scared him.

« Look Nick, I’m sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable » There was an urgency in her voice. Time was up. But she couldn’t let this conversation end that way. « We’ve been colleagues for almost five years, and we’ve become really good friends. And whatever happens next, I don’t want to loose that friendship ».

She then watched, confused, as Nick extended his hand on the control panel and switched off the elevator, stopping their descent. He dropped his bag on the floor, turned around and leaned his back against the side wall, crossing his arms on his chest.

She could barely breathe. They were now facing eachother in the semi-obscurity, a few meters apart. In his eyes, she saw the struggle to keep his raw emotions at bay and it shocked her. She remained silent and waited patiently for him to regain some composure.

He finally began to speak, his eyes glued on the floor. « I’ve been in love, once. We were in highschool. » His voice was thick with emotion. « She passed away… cancer. » There was a short pause. Then he cleared his throat and continued. « And since then, I’ve never committed into any serious relationship ». She knew he had had a hard life, but now she understood his reluctance to enter any romantic relationship. And her heart dropped suddenly.

« Then, I spent nearly a decade undercover, never getting attached, being on my own, always wary of everyone. » He sighed, moving slightly his posture. « When I joigned the team, I learned how to live again… » She saw the hesitation in his eyes, before he looked up. « And I learned how to feel again. »

His eyes were boring into hers now, making her shiver slightly. « You did not misinterprete my words, Ellie. I have very… strong feelings for you ». Speechless, she could only stare back at Nick, loosing herself into his dark brown eyes. « But it was hard for me to admit it because as you said, it is scary as hell. »

She could see the resolution now in his eyes and she finally released the breath she was holding. « But almost loosing you », he continued. « first with the bullet that grazed you. Then your kidnapping and stepping on a bomb… » His voice trailed off and she felt her eyes watering. « I came to realize that there was nothing else to do but accept it and face the truth. »

Silence filled the room again. Neither of them moved but they maintained eye contact, silently acknowledging their love for one another. Ellie swallowed hard and cleared her throat. A whisper finally reached her lips, as she spoke again. « So… what are we gonna do about it ? »

A smile immediatly illuminated Nick’s beautiful face, clearly remembering their previous conversation in the cell. He shrugged, nonchalantly stepping away from the wall and walking casually towards her. « I don’t know. I say… let’s go grab a bite, have a beer and we’ll see where it goes from here… no pressure. »

Ellie couldn’t take her eyes off him, his smile contagious. He stopped a few feet from her and she nodded her consent. Nick nodded back, then his eyes moved away from her briefly, glancing at the elevator’s doors. « Now before someone calls the cavalry to ‘repair’ the elevator… » He gave her a questioning look « … and if you’re ok with it… I would really like to hold you tight for a minute or so. »

Ellie’s smile grew wider, feeling her cheeks flushing under his stare. Again, she nodded her consent and soon, he was invading her personal space. Her bag and coat were suddenly forgotten as she dropped them on the floor and she felt Nick’s strong arms envelopping her. She immediatly leaned into him, burying her face in his neck and sliding her arms around his waist. Finally, she let her emotions run freely. It felt good.

They stayed still for a few more minutes, holding onto eachother tightly, reluctant to let go. Then his voice echoed into the tiny and empty space « It feels right. » His voice was strong and confident. She smiled and tightened her hold on him. « Yes, it does. » she mumbled against his chest.

Relief hit her suddenly, washing away her worried thoughts. She didn’t care about the consequences anymore. She would deal with Gibbs and Vance later, she would face her friends and her brothers’ sarcastic comments… She really did not give a damn about it, because she would face them all with Nick by her side.

The End.

ellie bishop nick torres ellick fanficti

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