OK, I know you're a super-genius, and you are kicking ass in medical school... BUT... What if you just didn't try so hard?
OK *laugh now*
But really, you could pass with less studying than you do now.
You'd have more time for Paul and your family.
If you become a dr and hate it, at least you won't have tried THAT hard.
*laugh again*
That is all.
New topic... Babies....
I think a big reason marriage and babies go together (well, besides the obvious) is because when you get married, your world goes from me me me to us us us... once you make that transition to us us us, it's easy to see children in the picture.
I'm still me me meing. My ideal age to start making babies is about 30. Everybody is different though! My friend Jenn from work was the same way, she wanted to wait till she was like 33 to have kids. They got married last fall, and now she falls into a depression EVERY MONTH when she realizes she's NOT pregnant. Marriage does crazy things to you :-P
Babies or not, Medical school or not, you rock!!!! * and I think you'd make an awesome dueling pianist!!!*
See...that's a good idea...I started medical school with the same philosophy myself actually... there is a flaw in it though...
basically, the more work I do now, the way better residency I could get, which would mean less work in the future, better job in the future, getting to pick where and what I want life to be like in a few years, rather than having whatever I got handed over....so that's the logic with working hard right now....plus, even just to pass takes way too mcuh work. I did that with my 6 week Neuro semester so I could concentrate more on the wedding, but it was surprisingly more stressful to always be behind....I dunno, it's a predicament, because I want to be a doctor, but there are certain years in becoming a doctor that suck: first two of med school, first year of residency...those are the ones that people always hate the most I think. I want to do it though, I really do...I'm just scared....I'm a huge pile of chicken shit. haha
in no way are you a huge pile of chicken shit... if you were, you would have never started med school!!!
We (the folks with opinions on LJ can give you opinions until we turn blue in the face, but realistically, you have to do what is best for you and paul. Whatever it is, I hope it makes you happy!
OK, I know you're a super-genius, and you are kicking ass in medical school... BUT... What if you just didn't try so hard?
OK *laugh now*
But really, you could pass with less studying than you do now.
You'd have more time for Paul and your family.
If you become a dr and hate it, at least you won't have tried THAT hard.
*laugh again*
That is all.
New topic... Babies....
I think a big reason marriage and babies go together (well, besides the obvious) is because when you get married, your world goes from me me me to us us us... once you make that transition to us us us, it's easy to see children in the picture.
I'm still me me meing. My ideal age to start making babies is about 30. Everybody is different though! My friend Jenn from work was the same way, she wanted to wait till she was like 33 to have kids. They got married last fall, and now she falls into a depression EVERY MONTH when she realizes she's NOT pregnant. Marriage does crazy things to you :-P
Babies or not, Medical school or not, you rock!!!!
* and I think you'd make an awesome dueling pianist!!!*
basically, the more work I do now, the way better residency I could get, which would mean less work in the future, better job in the future, getting to pick where and what I want life to be like in a few years, rather than having whatever I got handed over....so that's the logic with working hard right now....plus, even just to pass takes way too mcuh work. I did that with my 6 week Neuro semester so I could concentrate more on the wedding, but it was surprisingly more stressful to always be behind....I dunno, it's a predicament, because I want to be a doctor, but there are certain years in becoming a doctor that suck: first two of med school, first year of residency...those are the ones that people always hate the most I think. I want to do it though, I really do...I'm just scared....I'm a huge pile of chicken shit. haha
We (the folks with opinions on LJ can give you opinions until we turn blue in the face, but realistically, you have to do what is best for you and paul. Whatever it is, I hope it makes you happy!
And I'll be here cheering you on regardless :-D
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