Jul 31, 2005 22:49
Scammed from a friend, we ending up sliding popsicle sticks into watermelon cut-outs and freezing them. I don't have any cookie cutters so we used the ones from Play-doh. I wanted something that we could do together since our afternoon was riddled with sneak attacks of whiny whinerson pushing boundaries and causing general hi-jinx. There's never been a time that K's come home and hasn't insisted on having the boundaries re-established for him. And it makes sense since the paternal tribe sets zero. As a friend said this afternoon, "They'd spoon feed him if he asked them to".
I'm not complaining. I'm just stating.
He's really into how things work lately. Finally,a trait of mine! So we lay in bed after his bath and flipped through this science book, way too advanced for him, but we looked at the pictures and talked about photosynthesis and living organisms and ant colonies. Today at the market he was fascinated by how the lobster tank operated. He pointed out every visible part and questioned me. I did my best, I'm not too shabby when it comes to the mechanical shit, but I have a feeling I'm about to be in over my head.
And now I have dishes that need attending. And then Soul on Ice, which is a re-read and that's all I'll be saying about that until it's finished.
I still want to smoke.
kaleb milestones,
what i'm reading