keep your lamps!

Dec 13, 2005 23:52

Why was the math book sad

I have a lot of problems. It isn't often that I do two in a row.

I love school, it's so boring. I promised myself a little while back that I'd stop calling things "boring", and stop saying "I'm bored", because everything is as boring as I allow it to be. School is still really boring. Not the academics, those I don't mind, but the redundancy of everyone. It's just not exciting. I have no real emotional attachment, I've been saying that for a while now.. that I could pack up my stuffs at any given moment and hit the road and not miss a thing. I'd miss my mum and dad and doggie and my imac and my mac lamps and my adium and my bed and a whole bunch of other tangibles. My brother and sister always complain about how they're terribly broke, no money for anything, and they tell me to embrace what I have going on right now because it does not last. I know it doesn't last, and I'm glad it doesn't last. God forbid anything lasted!

(Thought: I need more ikea potpourri, a.s.a.p.)

I haven't really spoken to anyone too much today, I felt like I had nothing to say. I'm running out of details, so now all I have are huge feelings and idears to share but I don't think anyone truly has time for that kind of talk. It's so impersonal over the internet anyway. I was thinking about that, how I can have a wonderful conversation with someone via aim, yet all the while I can't help but to wonder how many other people this person is talking to or what sites they're looking at and lots of other little things. At least when you speak to someone in person you sort of know that you have their undivided attention. Sort of.

The default text font on my computer has changed to lucida grande for every website and everything. That happened after I installed the crap mac office crap crap crap. I've been cleaning my room since sunday and I'll be dammed if it's getting any cleaner, which it isn't. I figured out why my internal clock has been so out-of-whack. IT'S THE RAZR! It's like an hour and a half slow. That'll do it, that'll do it.

Today during archery I was talking to Michele and Anders and we were all discussing what we would consider to be our romantic ideals and it was very funny to get an earfull of something so feebleminded. Everyone seems to know what they want, and that's terrific.

But really, What do I fancy? Who do I fancy?

I'm wearing ear muffins right now, the fancy kind that fit around the back of the neck. Fancy that!

Lastly, I wanted to address the issue of NEW YEARS EVE. I don't really care about NEW YEARS EVE, but seeing as it's such a big deal and my mum told me that It was very necessary for me to make plans, I've decided to invite a few people to come over. As of right now it's just me and Andrea, and I'm kind of expecting it to stay that way, but if you don't feel like getting crunk or you don't feel like doing wotever it is you would normally do, you can come spend some time, and maybe if we get enough people we could play a new years game of cranium, and then we could watch A.D. season two and look at myspace and play with Bailey. Everyone is welcome to come.

Lookie here!

Cabz! Come to your senses!

That's what I'll do. I'll come to my senses. And you can come to yours. We can come to our senses. This is sounding good. Good like Cabz night.
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