The day of the dinner

Dec 06, 2004 07:11

Yesterday I have named 'the day of the dinner', as paul proceeded to make me a christmas dinner, which included such gruesome tasks as stuffing a real-live turkey. Not a live one you understand, but one that was once a real-live turkey. I don't agree with stuffing live ones you see. Bit mean and all. It was quite funny to watch all this going on, and i was amused when he finally decided to ring his mummy to ask what you do with the sausagemeat stuff. I reckon she was pretty darn amused too. But in all fairness to him, it was really nice, and there was so much food we had to invite over a couple of friends from down the road to come and help us eat it. All this followed by mince pies and custard. Yum.

So what's coming up in the all-exciting diary of mine? Well i finish term this week (thank goodness, i'm knackered). Thursday i have parents evening followed by a history trainee christmas dinner, with yes more turkey. Tonight i'm going to see 'forgotten' with paul (who is reluctantly joining me, hehe) and on wednesday evening we are going out for chinese with my parents in a cool blue-lit-up restaurant i always see but have never gone in before. That'll make a nice change from all the turkey dinners that are up and coming. I have to do my assignment on saturday while paul's away, and then he's got some nice surprises for me on friday night and saturday night, to make up for him being away on saturday, our last full day together. On Sunday i go home, only to get a lift to the train station and drop off some stuff before i go nannying for the week. This will shatter me completely, but at least after that i can have a rest for a couple of weeks, which will be very well-deserved by then i can tell you. On the last day of my nannying, my whole entire family is coming up to the house for a party, including about 40 or so of my relatives, which should be a lot of fun. I love it when we can all get together, which sadly only happens at christmas, parties, weddings and funerals these days. But christmas is a good time. Then when i go home after nannying i can finally enjoy the christmas break, and no doubt put on 10lbs from all the christmas food my family bring in. Ah, luxury. Bring on the quality sweets, save me the strawberry creams guys....

Then for new year paul's mum said she wanted me to come up to visit them, so that is what i am doing. Especially as she invited ages ago for christmas, but i said i should really spend it with my family, or they'd be upset. Which they would. So i'll be going up to spend new year with paul, which should be good fun, as memories of last year fill my head of the new year party we went to at sian's barn...
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