Sep 27, 2005 20:40
Stayed home from school today because I was positively whimpering in pain this morning from teh sick. And I definitely knew something was up because I woke up before my alarm went off which never happens. I have some kind of dumb cold-the usual nose, throat, head thing. I haven't been this sick in a long time though. Usually I'd stay home because I felt like crap in the morning but then I'd feel better after a couple of hours, but no, I must be really sick because I feel crappy. And I hate it when your friends don't believe you're sick, even if they act like they're just joking about it. And they get annoyed like you're just having fun sitting around. Even though you're still working your butt off for school and college apps even though you feel like crap because life doesn't stop when you're sick, sadly. I just had a really scary moment there when I couldn't breathe because my nose was so clogged and like hacked up a lung trying to breathe.
Tomorrow I need to:
Make up Calc quiz
do CSF
get my photo ID
do study drawings
meeting with Core Team
Sign up for University of Oregon presentation
Wow, this is such a "pity me" post. I'll be ok in the end when I'm better and study drawings are turned in and college apps are done. But yeah, it's what I'm thinking about so out it goes.