Nov 22, 2007 20:39
I think that I am the youngest person I know that consistently watches C-Span for fun. I've never understood why when people come over they so vocally object to watching it with me. Aside from their coverage of the Congress(which at times I admit can be tedious), there is a lot of fantastic programming, such as the debate I am watching right now. The topic is the "United States role in the World"(aka using force to spread democracy) with former Senator Max Cleland and retired General McCaffrey against, and Karl Rove and Jeb Bush for. And it is a really interesting discussion from some of the people that have had or do have significant affect on foreign policy. I suppose I'm just a nerd and enjoy this sort of thing, but come on guys give C-Span a chance, it is at least more interesting than any of those celebrity judge shows. Now time for some turkey + salad, mmmmmm....