(no subject)

Apr 24, 2006 11:19

I've been thinking about this for a while and I finally want to just gauge people's interest.

There's often a perception of photography that all it really takes is to press the shutter especially since these days people learn on camera's that do the rest for them. This is almost universally untrue.

I grew up in a town with a very tight knit community of talented photographers. There was never a shortage of feedback or critiques from the various folks I worked with or just showed the latest batch of prints to. I've found that lacking just about anywhere else I've gone, but talking with the folks at Denver Pro Photo has reminded me how much I missed that. It's been well over a year since I sat down with cherrydevoure over a set of proofs and was able to talk shop with her over those shots.

So what I'm looking at doing would be either a feature on my own lj or creating a separate community where folks could post or submit recent work to comments, critiques and real feedback besides "That's awesome!" or "That sucks." This isn't to be about building or destroying ego's but actually learning and teaching how to create better photographs and to possibly bring a lot of us as photographers together and give us a little extra reason to go out and shoot more.

If this is something you'd be interested in, tell me. Would you prefer an moderated community or just a filtered feature on my own lj?
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