Jan 27, 2007 11:16
I hit upon an interesting epiphany last night. I posted about marriage a while back, and specifically referenced the folks who say that when they get married it'll be strictly for a business deal. Now, a few things first, once you throw out religious morality there isn't a moral objection to it. That isn't the issue. But it's never sat right for me, and I finally realized that there's a logic flaw in the proposition.
Precept: "If I get married it will just be as a business deal."
Now for the purposes of argument, we will consider this as being among equals.
A business deal, is something 2 or more people engage in for mutual financial benefit.
So we have to ask, what are the mutual financial benefits achieved through marriage that cannot be achieved through other means.
Now, I'm gonna leave this point up for debate, but looking at the financial reality between equals...marriage penalty and all that, I don't see significant financial benefits between equals. A majority of the financial benefits that I've seen over the years, result more from cohabitation, not specifically being married. Now between unequals, the point is mostly moot, because the deal should provide mutual benefits, it's commonly called 'gold-digging'.
Now one point that can get brought up is company insurance policies. If one person has insurance through their work and the other does not....again this is only a benefit for one person...it is not mutual. If somebody just said to you, hey I want to get on your insurance policy, the first reaction would be...well what do I get out of it.
So accepting that, why get married for business?
There is still in this day and age, a massive amount of societal pressure to 'be married'. It contributes to the overall view of someone as being mature and successful. It affects how a person is treated within a community, typically being the final step to being considered 'an adult'. (Becoming a parent would be another one.)
So I'd propose that without a significant mutual financial benefit to being married, the real reason for 'marriage as business' has nothing to do with business at all. It has to do with satisfying the internal and external pressures to get married in our society, that being married is something to achieve, and signifies that one is a mature, successful, adult and entitled to respect within the community.
Annnnnnnnnnnd Discuss!