[meme] You know you're a KAT-TUN addict when.... lololololol whehhe :P

Dec 02, 2007 01:41

Im so overdue for a post and i think this post will be a great post.. though i just took it from


So here it goes

1. Brush off other people hitting high notes because it can't compare to Jin's Gold Ballad Version note. (havent heard this yet :P)

2. You attempt to turn your male friends into fans to confuse their sexual identity. (Not really, my male officemates thought  they were all gay.. *pouts*)

3. You scream "Why Jennifer Why?" happens sometimes (Hmmm... I havent watched this clip yet)

4. Car Shrimp is your favorite type of vehicle and food at the same time.

5. You don't care for ninjas anymore after Kaizokuban. (Havent watched this concert)

6. You want to name your goldfish Junno. (I cant because my father already named them after f4 :P)

7. You go up to random people and say "Shall we BOUZU?"

8. Bye Bicycle is your way of saying bye. (hmm.. no one will get it here if i did)

9. You actually make the bicycle handle movement when you say Bye Bicycle. (sometimes lol)

10. The best phone in existence is DoCoMo. (I love them for their kat-tun ads but im a loyal ericsson user)

11. You immediately become a fan of everyone and anyone that appears on Cartoon KAT-TUN. (hmm... I like crystal kay now.. does that count?)

12. The best lip gloss in existence is Rohto. (dont know....)

13. You looked up Oshiri Kajiri Mushi because of Kame. (Yes!!!!I looked it up on youtube and showed it to all of my officemates. Gosh, I love Kame....)

14. You've developed a fascination for turtles because of Kame. (Gosh!!! I do now have fascination for them. Im now planning on how to make my boyfriend buy me on.. lol)

15. You have an odd desire to put some plaid around your waist

16. You tell your friends you want to become a beatboxer. (Nope.. But im looking on other beatboxers on youtube. Though my brother likes Maru because og his beatboxing skills while riding that high ride in their talk show)

17. You want to learn how to juggle and tap dance at the same time.

18. Scream while watching Domoto Koichi things because KAT-TUN took their dance moves from him so that makes you excited

19. You can fill up 5GB or more in a day. (YeS!!! I can almost hear my pc here at home shouting for more space ><)

20. One mag scan has more MB than a song. (Yeah, i agree. But its okay because its kat-tun HQ)

21. Adopts Jingrish as you official language. (Nope and dont intend to but i have a dream about it once :P)

22. Scours vintage stores for Rolling Stones shirts and merchandise. (hmm... why?)

23. Has thought about buying a Rolling Stones shirt or merchandise online because you couldn't find it after checking the stores.

24. You refuse to download any interview or talk that's not subbed because you know people will sub it. (Sometimes, but i always donwload the raw episodes of Cartoon KT even though i dont understand a thing :P)

25. Dropping jewelery into water from a boat is now related to Tatta Hitotsu no Koi and not Titanic. (hmmm .. no yet lol)

26. Think that guys with pelts plastered all over them is pretty hot.

27. Think that guys with random fingernails painted is pretty hot.

28. Attempts to learn everything about Baseball which has now become your favorite sport because of Kame. (Hmm not really, but i like how kame looks when he's palying it. He's really having fun doing it:D)

29. Tries to convince your male friends to buy Ed Hardy brand clothes because it's the closest thing to Johnnys.

30. Tell everyone that Dolce and Gabbana is the hottest brand ever, especially for men's underwear.

31. Knows all the names of Koki's brothers.

32. Liked Gackt again because Ueda likes him.

33. Hated Nishikido Ryo for being mean to KAT-TUN. (He is mean to KT? why?)

34. Liked Kusano ten-fold more when you found out he was a Kame fanboy.

35. Find yourself buying more accessories and jewelery because of KAT-TUN. (I like accesories because i just did and not because of KT).

36. Best musical in the world is Dream Boys hands down. (I didnt understand w thing on it even when i watched it with subs *lol*).

37. Has bought more than a thousand dollars worth of KAT-TUN things (magazines included even though they have other JE people) (Yes!!!! I ordered their CTKT DVD tour and i swear to myself that it will be first and last time that i will do such thing!)

38. Your wallpaper has KAT-TUN. (Hmmm.. yes?)

39. Your wallpaper or icon/avatar has something to do with Keep the Faith. (Hmm... used to).

40. Actually listened to whatever song Yuichi advertises you to listen to while falling asleep in his manual/blog/message thing.

41. Has completely abandoned all previous fandoms for KAT-TUN.

42. Thinks something is talking about Kame when you read Nino's name.

43. Guys touching each other, kissing, on top of each other is totally normal. (Hmmm... I kinda think that its normal due to Kyo kara maoh and not because of KAT-TUN.... though a like lot of akame fanfics:P)

44. You laugh at people who are anti-KAT-TUN or don't know who they are. (No, but i try to make a lot of people konw about them even if they like it or not :P)

45. All guy's should know how to work a cane, a chair and know how to pole dance.

46. Your friends who don't like them can still name them. (Yes!! hahaha)

47. Support 5 pairings at once because, heck, they're all good.

48. KAT-TUN is your portal to JE. (hmmm... I only like KAT-TUN and not the whole Johnny's.... yet)

49. KAT-TUN is your portal to Hey!Say!7/Jump

50. You think Nakajima Yuto is cool because he's cool with Kame.

51. All guys should have an obsession with candy like Jin in Yukan.

52. Your goal in life is to find a job that relates to KAT-TUN. (Hmm... ive been having this idea for a fanfiction where i will be their english teacher.. no kinkiness involve, i swear!! *lol*)

53. You reason for going to Japan is because you want to stalk a member of KAT-TUN. (Nope, but i want to go there since ive been introduce to anime :D Anime rocks!)

54. Lip syncing is totally okay with you now. ( do they lip sync? i thought they always perofrm live...)

55. You think a real boyband needs to act, sing, dance, fanservice, beatbox, tapdance, do theater, know how to play instruments or else they're posers. (hmmmm... i like BSB but i cant imagine giving fanservice the way akame does.. that will be just really weirs... imagine nick and brian.... eeeeewwwwwwwwwwww)

56. The first time you've been on Yahoo Japan auctions was because of KAT-TUN merchandise.

57. The first DVD tour you've bought was KAT-TUN. (Yes!! and it cost me a lot!!!)

58. The first single you ever bought was KAT-TUN.

59. You have never contemplated buying another version of anything till you got into KAT-TUN.

60. You attempt to give you and your friends a "group" name by rearranging the first letters of your last names.

61. Your PARENTS know who KAT-TUN is and which one is your favorite. (Hmmm.. does my brother counts?)

62. You think Ueda looks better than most if not all jrockers. (he looks like a girl!!!)

63. You have been turned off by all the guys at your school because none can compare to your favorite KAT-TUN member well.

64. Your binders and notebooks are littered with KAT-TUN pics

65. Your teacher knows who KAT-TUN is. (My manager does!!!)

66. Your wall has more KAT-TUN than actual... wall (Hmm.. not yet because my mom will kill me if i put something in my wall *lol*)

67. You refuse to believe that Junno looks like Changmin from DBSK

68. You have the subbed and nonsubbed versions of all their PVs in high quality (I dont have their subbed videos but i love HQs :D)

69. The first lyrics you ever memorized the whole thing of was a KAT-TUN song (Nope, it was snow smile by Bump of Chicken)

70. Have all 7 versions of Real Face (Nope! Im not that addicted yet :P)

71. You left your passion for anime to watch Johnny dramas, screw animation it's all about real bishies (Sadly, in my cases that's true but that's just  for now)

72. Whenever someone mentions cancer or terminal illnesses you think of Yuuki

73. Whenever you see Oguri Shun you think of him bawling his eyes out in Yuuki

74. Motorcycles never looked so good till Jin sat on one

75. The first time you ever maxed out on Megaupload was after you became a KAT-TUN fan. (Yes! that's why i hate MU)

76. You spent over an hour trying to hack Megaupload to d/l more KAT-TUN things

77. You used to think Mr. Johnny was a gay child molester, now you think he's God Again. (I dont actually care about him, *lol*)

78. You never thought that a guy was hot with a belly button piercing till you saw Jin

79. You never thought yukatas looked so good till you saw KAT-TUN wearing them

80. You have no idea where the hell Uebo came from but you call Ueda that anyway because it's the cutest thing you've ever heard (Yeah!! And i always like it when Junno call him that or Uepi :X)

81. You started watching One Piece because Luffy is Jin and Kame's favorite anime character. (I already watched it before i knew KT )

82. Doraemon is the best anime ever (even though you've never watched it) (this is a great anime! way before i knew KT)

83. You quote KAT-TUN lyrics for inspiration. (hmm .. yess.. whehhee.. especially the song "Someday for somebody")

84. Has cried watching the KAT-TUN real face tour (Nope. though i kinda laughed because Maru was crying *wack*)

85. You believe KAT-TUN is good for losing weight, you sweat, writhe, laugh and never have enough money for actual food

86. You didn't know what OTP or OT3 was before you got into KAT-TUN (WTH is OT3?!! akame is really a great OTP!)

87. You've saved paparazzi photos of their houses (Really?! of their houses?! havent seen any yet!!)

88. July 4th isn't the U.S independence day anymore it's Jin's birthday!

89. You never cared who Morimoto Shintaro was... until he played Kame's little brother in Dream Boys (who again? *lol*)

90. You've listened to the Kame version of Seishun Amigo [more] than the actual version with Yamapi

91. You watched Blades of Glory and when the guy came out with the peacock all you could think of was Seishin Junno.

92. You watched Gokusen 2 before you watched Gokusen, if you even watched the first one at all (I love Gokusen 1 more :(

93. Skipped parts of Gokusen 2 unless Kame and Jin were in the frame (Nope:D)

94. Didn't know any actresses names until you got into KAT-TUN

95. You used up a lot of brain cells trying to figure out who did the coughing part during Signal (I didnt know at first but i didnt spend too much time thinking bout it because Jin and Kame Look hot in the PV!! kyaa!!

96. You always do the hand motion whenever Real Face comes on (*blush* yes, im also teaching it to my brother hahaha)

97. You would try to eat something that looks complete inedible and gross if someone from KAT-TUN tasted it and said it was Umai

98. You run out of breath more from watching KAT-TUN than you do running during Gym class (Oh my yes!! Though i dont have gym class but KT always leaves me breathless.. whee)

99. You want a skull ring (Nope.. its scary *lol*)

100. Cross dressing is totally fine with you, in fact you think it's kind of cute (Hmm... if its kame wearing a skirt then yes *lol*)

101. You didn't realize you were that crazy about KAT-TUN until you read the last 100 desсriptions and LOLed when you realized how many applied to you. (Wheheh..  based on this, it seems that im not addicted yet :P)

Well, whoever read this entry of mine... help me to become more addicted to KT... *lol*....

Since im sick, i dont have a coherent way to end this meme.... *lol* So bye for now...


meme, kat-tun

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