Sail Away

Oct 03, 2006 13:53

This is a monologue I once wrote in a different laguage, but i decided to try on and traslate it into english. I did my best to retain some of the originality but I guess the terminology difference affect it a bit. But its a part of my learing process (or that what I keep telling myself).

-"How long have we know each other?"

-"Longer than I can remember!"

-"You know I never questioned your judgment before, I’ve backed you up all these year, but now I Can’t but ask you my friend, When will you stop?"


-"We’ve been sailing these waters for years. I was there when you first loaded up the ship, you told us back then this ship has no destination in its charts, only a journey. How many ports have we sit foot at? How many crew faces have we witness come and go? Until when my good man? You can’t

keep going like that, you must let go of the anchor , the ship must make berth at some point, you have to slow down".

-"You know sometimes I wonder if I still remember how to slow down? Do you see this vast empty waters, how can you not sail them? How can you not keep going until you find that end?".


-"Everyday I wake up and stand on this deck to see the sun rising, I can see how my path starts to emerge from a moonless night. I see the waves giving way to this wooden horse to run free .I see that horizon and I keep on pushing and pushing trying to race that sun to its set point. How can I stop when all I hear is voices calling me to join them, whispers telling me to keep sailing towards that blue horizon. Music of freedom, chants of liberty, vision of paradise is all I dream of. There is a place behind that magical line where the sky touches the water. A land where it’s sand welcomes you

home, where the sky has no color but rather a reflection of your soul. A place where the sun is no more needed, for the light is born from within the man himself. Crystal blue clouds hoovers above. Cold northern breeze that can brush off your worries away. Home of dreams, the birthplace of fantasies. There you are reborn every day. No hours to count, no days to keep track of, just you and the moment you’re living. Home my friend, home.

-"Makes you wonder, if you live in a dream, then what will you dream of? But what scares me the most is what if the place you’re chasing is just a dream, a fairy tale, a mirage that you can’t grab? What would you do then?

-" How can you not find home?! Look around you, what do you see? Footsteps of those who journeyed earlier, marks of travelers , remains of vessels, this are left to guide us, each sign is a light- house. We follow them leaving our own remains for others to follow. We can’t stop now, as long as there is wind in those sails we must journey forward. We’ll never know until we sail that path, and I

can’t rest until get home".

- "More and more it feels like it’s going to be my home too. I followed you this far, I am not going to fret now . I trusted you all this years, and this day is no different. Now Lets see how fast this old ship can go, lets race that star."

- "Crowd on and make sail....we’re going home".
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