
Sep 26, 2006 06:23

Giving writing a presidential speech a swing:

My fellow countrymen, I stand here before you not as a your president, but a citizen of this great land. I come to you seeking your wisdom and your good judgment. In the past few days our soils have been hit repeatedly by a known enemy, thousands of lives have been lost, our streets are filled with bodies, our infrastructure is heavily damaged. I see here thousands and thousands of faces, faces of families who lost their loved ones, faces of mothers weeping over dead ones, faces of the citizens of this great country sadden by the lost of their fellow men.This enemy showed no mercy is executing his plan, and by the numbers and facts that my staff have provided me with in the past 72 hours, I can sadly say they have succeeded into brings this country to a state of chaos. Our rescue teams had been and still are struggling to reach their targets, our hospitals are over filled, our police and fire stations are over loaded. We will make it out of this, we will rebuild, we will take care of out people. It will take time, it will take a lot of effort, these are our homes for god’s sake, our people, our families. We stand as one now, there should be no color, race , religion , or social status that can hinder our love and faith in our county. We have carried a lot of burdens along the years, we have suffered a lot, and we overcame each one alive and stronger. This my fellow brothers and sisters is yet different, we should put our differences aside, our problems and diversities must be left behind for now. I know we don’t all share the same political and social views that serves this country, but now is the time to reshape all that.
A lot of you believe that this tragedy was brought upon us by the mistakes and arrogance of past governments. Politicians who miscalculated and misjudged many issues and policies. Their past actions no matter how right it appeared to be at the time, and no matter how sincere their speeches were, brought us all to this point. I do believe each one of these governments had the best intentions and interests for their people in mind at that time. Although I urge you not to take this time to throw judgment and blame on anyone, there is big portion of that blame that should be pointed at this direction, ours. We are the ones who stood still back then, we are the ones who pretended that it didn’t concern us, we are the ones who turned their heads to the other side. Even the rest of you who did take some time to protest what he thought was wrong, to speak out whenever they could, remember, you turn away by the end of the day to your personal lives and lets those in power whom you elected do whatever they want. Every lost soul today, every missing family and every broken stone is the result of our apathy. We must take this chances to come as one, build bridges between us and not walls, rise one flag that we can all be proud of, a flag we believe in, a flag that serves its peoples. This must be the time of actions not talk, a time of understanding not blame, time of unity and belief in rebuilding this land into a greater one. So this thas been said ,now comes the time for another kind of action, how to we respond? My advisors all agree that we must take military action right now and serve justice, we know our enemy and we know where they are. If such an answer is sufficient enough to serve justice and righteousness like what all other governments thought, then why are we standing here today. No military response will ever spare the lives of children and families on the other side either, families will die, children will burn, houses will be leveled, history taught us that. If one soul outside the battle is lost, then we have crossed the border line between justice and revenge. Our enemy believes that they are avenging their dead ones, and that they are serving justice and punishment in response to our previous governments’ action upon their land. Do we continue the cycle, and hit them back, destroy their capabilities, capture and kill their leaders, bring their warlords to justice? Then what, do we sit back, wait for their next response? Will it take a month to hear back from them, 2 months, 2 years, 10 years? And in what state should we be in until then? Or should we take no military action and not launch a war? What massage will that send our enemy? That we are defeated? Or that we choose a path of peaceful respond? Will history look back at us as the country that should mercy? Or a nation of people brought down to its knees? I ask of you my people, to help me find the path of wisdom, the path of righteousness , to meet send a message of justice, not of hate and revenge. Our military is ready on command to carry on defending our country, but I wont give that call without you people behind me, for its your husbands, wives, brother , sisters, sons and daughters that are serving in this army, I have the power to make that call, I have the staff and intelligence to plan and execute, and the tools to carry on, but I have no right over sending your family member to fight a war which you are against, I have no right to spend your money on machines that will take the lives of other families. This government must not follow the steps of others, this government must make change, this is a government that serves its people ,not this land, you take the people away and what you are left with are trees, lakes, highways, streets, buildings,.... stones and sand. It is the people that make this country so great, its it the people that matter. I beg of you, to consider every angle and every consequences before making your final decision. And lets hope, that down the road, the future generations will look back at us with thanks and gratefulness for what we handed to them. May god bless us and we ask our creator to give us the wisdom and patience to find what is right, and the power to carry it on. God bliss, and good luck
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