Alphabet (Q, R)

May 26, 2012 12:14

Title: Alphabet (Q, R)
Parts: A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Pairing: Daniel Agger/Fernando Torres
Rating: PG, PG-13
Disclaimer: It sucks always having to come up with new ways to say how much they don't belong to me.
Summary: Okay, I never thought it would take me this long to post all these fics since I already finished them all ages ago. So apologies for that, but I hope I'll be able to finish posting this project soon. :) Two very short ones this time.


Sometimes, despite their often hectic schedules, they still had them. Mornings where everything was quiet and warm, when the world outside was still asleep. When sunbeams would fall on the white sheets of the rumpled bed, or rain would patter against the glass of the window, when sleep released them slowly and gently from its hold instead of the harsh sounds of the alarm startling them awake.

Then they would stay just where they were, sometimes blink the sleep in their eyes away to watch the other, sometimes keep them closed and just let their hands rest on sleep-warm skin, hold each other and just breathe.

Sometimes they would talk, about whatever there was on their minds, conversations that could remain quiet, or be light of heart, when they would touch and laugh and hug just for the sake of it.

Sometimes they said nothing at all. They would draw shapes on each other’s skin with their fingertips, or trace the marks they had left, both the visible and the invisible. They would count freckles or lashes, or memorise the shape of the other’s hand or nose or spine or hip.

One of these mornings, when everything was quiet and familiarly warm and no word between them had yet greeted the day, Fernando watched as Dan took his hand in both of his own and let his fingertips slowly explore each patch of skin, each nail and knuckle and joint and line. And for some reason Fernando was struck by the thought of how he hadn’t been in Dan’s life yet when he had smiled for the first time. Neither for the moment he had taken his first step, or spoken his first word. He hadn’t been there when Dan had taken his first hits or his first triumphs, and his heart stung a little at the thought of how he had missed his first time falling in love, his very first kiss.

Then Dan brought his hand up to place a soft, lingering kiss to each of his knuckles, and Fernando remembered that he might have missed years of Dan’s life, experiences that had formed him and had made him who he was today - but that, in the end, it wasn’t that bad.

Because even when he hadn’t been there, he had always just been on his way to him.


For the longest time, Fernando couldn’t look at himself when he was wearing blue.

He couldn’t admit it to anyone else, of course not. And maybe he’d just been blind. Maybe he should have known. But there was no use crying over spilt milk, he’d made his bed, now he had to lie in it. But when he did, all that he felt was numb.

Only when the feeling of unravelling at the seams, of disappearing from the face of the earth, of simply not existing anymore got too much, he took out the shirt from the darkest corners of his closet, and wrapped himself up in it. The vibrant red and the white 5 on the back the only thing that filled his heart with… life.

And sometimes when he wore it, he took out a knife and cut open his palm.

It’s not that bad anymore today. His eyes have gotten used to the blue, and he thinks it doesn’t look that bad on him anymore. He got better.

He still has that shirt in his closet, and he still takes it out sometimes. Remembers the lines the knife drew on his skin.

Relieved when he remembers that, after all, he still bleeds red.

other: fanfic, genre: romance, genre: angst, story: alphabet challenge, rating: pg, pairing: daniel agger/fernando torres, rating: pg-13

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