Dark Side Of The Moon (Epilogue)

Nov 27, 2011 21:42

Title: Dark Side Of The Moon
Chapters: Epilogue ( Prologue | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 )
Authors: narya86 & tetila
Pairing: Daniel Agger/Fernando Torres
Rating: Overall NC-17.
Disclaimer: More fiction probably isn't possible. We just borrowed the names of certain people... ;)
Summary: The first demon had died under Fernando’s hands when he had been nine. Daniel had always tried to stay away from Hunters, for obvious reasons.
A/N: First of all, we're really sorry that it took us so long to respond to the comments last time. We immediately read and were happy about every single one, the last few weeks have just been really busy for both of us, so we hope you'll forgive us for the delay.
Now we have actually reached the end of this story, always something that makes me really sentimental, especially if it was part of our lives for such a long time as those one and a half years. So we'd like to express our gratitude here for your comments, your patience, your enthusiasm, everything you shared with us for this story. But we're not sad to see it end, because that means we can finally start on some other projects that have occupied our heads for a very, very long time now as well. :)
One more thing we'd like to point out is that, following the epilogue in a few days, there'll be a master post for this story, with one or two small surprises for you that we hope you'll like.
Now have fun with the (short) conclusion to Dark Side of the Moon. :)


This time I’ll be sailing, no more bailing boats for me
I’ll be out here on the sea, just my confidence and me
This time I’ll have no fear, I’ll be standing strong and tall
Turn my back towards them all

And I’ll be awful sometimes, weakened to my knees
But I’ll learn to get by on little victories

And if the world decides to catch up with me
It’s a little victory

~ Matt Nathanson ~


You have two ancient vampire lords with their breed sucking humans dry every night.

The explosion shook the ground and the old stone walls around him, but the vibration was faint in contrast to the deafening boom as the grenade went off in the constricted space. Fernando took the hands away from his ears, pushed himself away from the cold wall of the stone stairs leading down to the crypt and with a flick of his wrist pulled a stake out of his sleeve, gaze on the heavy, closed door separating the stairs from the room behind that was a nest swarming with vampires.

Well. Had been.

It took quite some time, but eventually the door was pushed open and the first vampire that had survived the explosion stumbled out. He didn’t even have time to be surprised at Fernando’s presence as the Hunter leaped forward and swiftly plunged the stake into its heart, effectively dusting it. The dust was still swirling in the air around Fernando when another one, covered in soot and still half blind, frantically tried to flee from the flames, instincts overtaking all rational thought. And even though this wasn’t just some young, newborn fledgling, it didn’t have even a fleeting chance. Like the one that came after that, the one after, and the fifth, last one.

When Fernando stilled again, ash around him, the largest vampire clan was, by numbers, extinct.

Flames were still licking at the few burnable things inside the crypt, but nothing else was moving. After a second, precautionary look around Fernando turned away, pushed the door shut behind him, and ascended the stairs.

What he stepped out into was the echoing space of a large church just before dawn. And there near the entrance stood the snarling figure, features deformed with age, fangs bared, of Madrid’s oldest vampire.

The corners of Fernando’s lips twitched.


“Stupid little human.”

Fernando would have lied had he said the deep, almost inhuman voice of the old vampire didn’t make him shiver as it echoed off the high walls, making it sound even more intimidating.

“I have ruled over this clan for more decades, have witnessed more hunters die than you your life counts in years. You arrogant child, you come here, to my ground, and expect to walk away from it?”

Without taking his gaze off the vampire lord for even the blink of an eye, standing tall and poised, Fernando slid the stake back into his sleeve and reached over his shoulder with both hands, two blades glinting in the dim light.

For a moment he had to think of Dan, and he had to smile.

“I fight over my eating habits with someone much older than you,” he simply replied, in his mind’s eye Dan’s scandalized face at the piece of cheese he had found between his expensive bed sheets.

He fought with Dan over so much more than that. Always had, always would, until his dying day.

When that day would come… on that, the jury was still out. Because he still had a bone to pick over it with Dan.

All Fernando knew, when the vampire lord growled and sprang forward into an attack, was that it hadn’t come just yet.


You must be swift as the coursing rain
With all the force of a great typhoon
With all the strength of a raging fire
Mysterious as the dark side of the moon

~ Mulan ~

~ The End ~
( Masterpost)

genre: dark fantasy, rating: nc-17, genre: drama, genre: horror, other: fanfic, story: dark side of the moon, genre: angst, genre: au, pairing: daniel agger/fernando torres

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