Title: Double Checking
Author: shai_neko
Rating: PG. Barely.
Word count: 130
Characters: Kakashi, Raidou
Challenge: idiot/genius
Hi, I'm new, but i thought of this and it seemed to fit. And, bonus, no description of hair color. Thanks.
Disclaimer: Not mine. Kakashi is grateful.
Raidou shoved the door open, then turned to drag Kakashi forward into the room. “You know you'll never live it down.”
Kakashi grunted as Raidou dropped him on the sofa. “You don't get many points for your bedside manner, do you?”
“No.” Raidou grinned. “I'd ask what you were thinking, but seriously? I don't think my poor, non-genius brain could handle it.”
“I thought it would work. Shut up.” Kakashi attempted to look foreboding.
Raidou laughed even harder at the pathetic excuse for a glare. “Yeah, well, it takes a genius to say something that stupid.”
Kakashi glared. “Tsunade's impersonaters need the correct measurements. It's vital information.”
Raidou just kept laughing. “Right. 'Lady Tsunade, I need to double check your cup size!'”