Title: Still the Best
hobbit_nudityWord Count: 118
Character: Naruto
Challenge: ...and then there was one.
Amid the pandemonium, Naruto made a quick tally of how many opponents he still had to defeat. It numbered to less than eight, thankfully, because he was getting exhausted. He continuously parried attacks and quickly dispatched two bastards that had aimed directly at his weak spots. No one was using chakra anymore; the battle had been that long.
5 more…
Wasting no time, Naruto and his final challenger faced off in a flurry of almost identical taijutsu moves.
And then there was one.
Naruto puffed his chest out as he surveyed the destruction he caused to the empty training area, now that his shadow clone battle royale was over.
“Heh, I’m still the best me”