[Log] ["Try Again"] [Tsurude and Rin]

Sep 08, 2006 21:21

[Backdated to right after Kakami, Sachiko & Sakurai leave on their mission, the morning after Shizuya & Rin's 'night out']

Rin was not about to be late for any meeting, so when he woke up with ten minutes to get from Kakami's apartment to the other side of town and a spinning headache he made for highly amusing viewing. Shame Kakami was still away on her mission with Sakurai and Sachiko - because she might have actually burst out laughing as she watched him try to fling water on his face and miss completely because his head felt like it was hovering somewhere behind his shoulders.

Bugger. This was what came of going out drinking with Shizuya and (somehow) Jimaiya. Sleeping in and being late and feeling like his brain had eloped with his comon sense. All the same, he was Rin and by the time he raced for the front of the Hokage's Palace he looked more or less modestly presentable.

Somehow he didn't think an excuse from the same well of irreverence that had gotten Obiko and Kakami out of trouble for being late was going to do him any favours anyway - especially not given who he was going to go see.

Tsurude-sama would probably throw something heavy at him if he knew he and Jimaiya had been hanging out on the top of his monument's head last night anyway.

Sometimes Tsurude wished he could go back in time and fix some of the mistakes he made. First, he would make sure Nawako didn't get killed. Then he would throw Jimaiya and Orochimayu off a cliff. Lastly, he would re-think this whole "Hokage" business. Did Sarutobi have this much paperwork? Or Yondaime?

He heard footsteps and he was grateful for the distraction, whatever it may be. Even if it was just Jimaiya bothering him to go drinking. Actually… that would be a very welcome distraction.

Rin took the steps three at a time up towards the room Tsurude had taken as his office, and knocked a few times before pushing the heavy door open. He'd made it in time for Tsurude's open office hours by some happy miracle, which he took as a good sign for what he was about to ask.

The office was warmly lit by sunshine, but the stack of papers and mission folios towering around the desk almost completely shadowed the part of the office Rin knew he was meant to stand in.

Seriously, Sensei had never had to deal with that much paperwork. But then... things were way less political and bureaucratic back then. Just more bloody.

Maybe paperwork was a good sign then, but Rin didn't think it'd be wise to say anything positive about the concept to poor Tsurude.

"Uhm, good morning, Tsurude-sama," Rin said quietly, peering around the side of the door. "I'm not too late to speak with you, am I?"

The Hokage shoved papers out of the way, sending most of them toppling to the ground. Oh well, Shizuya would get that later. He gestured for Rin to come in and shut the door behind him.

"What did you want to talk about, Rin?"

It was rare that Rin came by to talk to him-he only hoped nothing was wrong. And if there was, Tsurude hoped there was no paperwork involved.

The force with which that stack of papers hit the floor made the old floorboards of the room creak and thump rather ominously, and Rin tried not to wince at the noise as he entered the office. His head did not need that. He stepped over to the desk and sat down, looking up at the older, taller, far superior medical legend behind the desk with a curious tilt of his head. How could he always look so terribly serious? It was as impressive as it was intimidating.

"I was going to ask, uhm... for permission to leave the village and start my Jounin equivalency training," he said, taking a breath. It was a big step, after everything that had happened, but he felt better now than he had in a long time - and more importantly, he felt ready to be out on missions again.

"With your permission... is it alright for me to start trying to get my rank re-instated?"

But it was up to the Hokage if he was ever even allowed to call himself a Jounin again - all decisions about his ninja rested in Tsurude's judgement. And Rin didn't know if what had filtered back to him through various grapevines told the Godaime Hokage that Rin was ready for this chance.

"As you may know when I was younger I petitioned to have medics be a part of every team," Tsurude laced long fingers together on the desk, staring seriously at Rin. "Back then it was unheard of because of all the wars and we didn't have as many medics or even shinobi to spare on training. I didn't just say it to place some sort of arrogant importance on medics. The truth is a medic is an irreplaceable part of the team."

The older shinobi eyed Rin. "I'm happy that these days the village is flourishing and we have many capable medics to take care of this village. If I let you go through with this training, you better not disappoint me. You're capable of great things, Rin. Don't be afraid to live up to your potential."

Tsurude gave himself a mental pat on the back for his inspirational speech. Maybe he was finally getting the hang of this leader business.

Rin blinked. That was without question the longest speech he had ever heard Tsurude make: and it was all aimed at him. He did know about Tsurude's push to get more medics trained for the field - it was why he had been recruited to become one. Because Tsurude had been right, and everyone had known it. Rin wanted so much to be able to keep proving him right as well - to be out of the hospital and back on mission rotation as a jounin field medic.

As for being capable of great things... well, Rin wasn't quite sure about that but if Tsurude said so he wasn't going to argue. Sensei would probably find away to come back from the dead and smack him upside the head for it if he did.

"So... that's a 'yes'?" he asked, barely able to believe it had been that easy.


"Just go before I change my mind," Tsurude made a shooing motion with his hand, sighing at how oblivious he was. He hoped that some of Rin's senses would sharpen with this training. "Oh and send Kotsuki or Izume in if you see them. Someone needs to pick up all this paperwork."

Rin didn't have to be told twice often. But this was... great! He grinned and nodded his thanks.

"Okay, uhm... okay! Thanks Tsurude-sama, I'll be back soon and... thanks!"

He was halfway out the door when something occurred to him and he peeked his head back in.

"If you see Jimaiya-sensei before me, can you tell her what I'm doing? I don't want her to worry or anything. Thanks, Godaime-sama!"

And with that he was out the door and on his way, remembering to let Kotsuki know that her Kage needed her on the way out the Palace. Though he was sure she didn't appreciate how cheerful he seemed about delivering the news.

He'd be gone for at least a month. And he only had a half-day to prepare before taking off.

Just as well he'd dared to already pack.

tsurude, rp log, july year 16, rin

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