Action Thread [open to anyone still in Konoha]

Dec 11, 2005 15:27

Jiraiya decided that enough was enough. After another long day of writing, editing, etc, she was grumpy, and needed something to drink to bring her spirits up. Taking her reading glasses off and tossing them haphazardly on her desk, she went to her room, throwing on something a little more decent than the nightie that she'd been wearing all day, ( Read more... )

rp thread, december year 15, kakami, tentsuke, jimaiya

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Comments 14

tentsuke December 12 2005, 16:20:25 UTC
It had been entirely too quiet in Konoha since both of his teammates were off on a mission. He had even broken down and taken sentry duty at odd hours just to fill the time. At least it was supposed to be odd hours. But then the sentries after him all had had things to do or called in favors from him or had just generally looked at him with those bashful girl eyes they had and he had just acquiesced to the idea that he was going to be on sentry for twenty hours as opposed to eight ( ... )


dr_jiraiya December 12 2005, 19:04:59 UTC
"Hey there, handsome," Jiraiya said, not looking his way yet, as she'd been easily able to tell that he was casting a glance or two in her direction. She couldn't hold back the small smile that crept onto her face; after all, he was looking at her, wasn't he? Finally turning her head to look at him, she gave him a pleasant smile, and said, "Like what you see, eh, Tentsuke-kun?"

Picking up her bottle of sake, she poured it into her cup, although what was left barely could be considered a full drink. She pouted slightly, then turned back to Tentsuke. "So you're stuck here in Konoha while everyone else is out too, huh?" Getting the attention of the bartender, she had him bring her another bottle of sake.

((OOC: Sorry, was logged into the wrong journal x.x))


tentsuke December 13 2005, 04:51:26 UTC
(( OOC : No biggie ^^ I do it sometimes myself))

The first thought in his mind was not to blush.

The second thought was to stop blushing immediately.

When he got past the fact that he was doomed to look like an idiot, he mentally kicked himself for not having at least one of her books with him to beg for an autograph.

"Eh," he rubbed the back of his head sheepishly and then happily let the subject turn towards her second statement.

"Yeah, pretty much. Nothing like filling up the gaps in sentry duty to make you feel useless." The bartender returned with the sake and he stood up quickly. "Um, let me get that. Not every day you get to sit next to a legend for a drink."


dr_jiraiya December 13 2005, 05:05:36 UTC
She put her hand to her mouth and suppressed a giggle at his blushing; she was used to it, but she was always amused by the effect that she seemed to have on men, especially younger ones. She turned her attention to the next bottle of sake as it came, and was about to reach for her coins to pay for it when her companion (as they were the only two in the bar, and talking, she decided that he could be her drinking companion for now) stood up and offered to pay for it.

She got a wicked idea, to try to see how uncomfortable she could really make Tentsuke. Turning to face him, she put the sultriest grin on her face that she could manage. "Well, that's awfully nice of you, Ten-tsu-ke-ku~un," she said, letting his name slip slowly from between her lips. "You're not trying to pick me up, now are you?" Inside, she had the biggest grin on her face, but outside, she was all business. After all, even a Legendary Sannin had to have her fun, too.


hatake_kakami December 14 2005, 22:04:20 UTC
There were very few things that could drive Hatake Kakami to leaving the comfort of her own home, even less that would drive her to a bar rather than a training ground outside the main walls of the village. But at the moment, her living space wasn't really hers and Jiraiya had mentionned advance copies of her new book. Those were good reasons in her book ( ... )


dr_jiraiya December 17 2005, 00:24:50 UTC
"Ah, Kakami-chan!" Jiraiya grinned and waved to her old friend, holding up her bottle of sake. "They've got good stuff tonight!" she called out, motioning for Kakami to sit near her. "I'm sure you know Tentsuke-kun, right?" She chuckled. "He's still getting used to being around me; I'm sure he'll be a little more talkative later."

"So, Kakami-chan, how have you been?" she asked, turning her attention, at least for now, to the jounin seated near her.


hatake_kakami December 17 2005, 21:45:09 UTC
"I've been better." Kakami responded shortly before nodding to the bartender that she'd be having sake as well.

She didn't bother elaborating, she really didn't want to think about all of her reasons for being in a less than stellar mood. The sake bottle was set on the counter in front of her and she slid some coins from from on of her jounin vest pockets and slid them across the polished wood of the bar.

"How are you, Jiraiya?" She responded almost formulaicly as she poured herself a cup of sake.


dr_jiraiya December 18 2005, 10:28:05 UTC
"Deeply troubled," she responded, before taking another sip of her sake. Allowing it to swirl around in her mouth, she then swallowed it, letting the warm liquid run down her throat, and sighed. "Too many things are happening. Like those shinobi who went missing." She quickly finished the last bit of sake that she had, looking almost disappointed that it was gone. "The fact that I'm stuck in the village when I should be out helping somewhere." The bottle was picked up, and crushed in the sannin's hand, the frustration obvious in her face.


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