RP Log // Zabuza tortures Inosuke

Dec 10, 2005 18:06

When Inosuke woke up, his head pounded loudly in his skull. It was dark and damp and he felt cold stone against his back and legs. When he finally came to he realized that his arms were tied above his head with ropes and seals, making it impossible for him to move. His body ached something awful, but the worst thing was that Inosuke realized he was shirtless.

"Fuck," he swore out loud. The blond was caught and at their mercy-- Inosuke only hoped Chouko would be able to find help in time to save him, Shikako and Hinaji.

"If you ask so nicely." A melodic female voice murmured next to him, breath against his neck revealing that the speaker was rather close.

Immediately his head snapped back, nearly banging into the wall behind him. "You," Inosuke ground out, trying to wiggle his hands out of the bonds. "What do you plan to do with me? And where the HELL is my shirt??"

Laughter was his answer as fingers teasingly ran up his sides. "Now somehow I don't think you are in any position to ask questions." Came the answer after a moment longer. It would take a while longer until Kabumi would join them to receive the new replacement test subject and the Mist-nin was growing rather tired of simply sitting around.

Inosuke winced-- at the fact this person's fingers were cold, and his ribs hurt, and he was just plain skeeved. "Don't touch me," he hissed at her.

"Or you'll do what exactly?." Zabuza countered with a hint of interest. The fight the boy and his female companion had put up had been refreshing but nothing that the Missing-nin found to be particularly impressive.

"I'll kill you," he growled at her, blue eyes flashing and he heaved hard breaths. Broken ribs, check. "I'll fuck up your mind so badly it will melt out of your ears. And don't think I won't."

"Right." Fingers turned into a hand as the woman presses a hand to his chest, feeling his heart race through the layers of skin, muscle and bone. " I don't think you would like my mind." She purred, fingernails beginning to dig into his skin as her hand closed slowly.

Inosuke barely shuddered, now that he was expecting it and much worse. Being a spy, he had torture training before becoming a chuunin. It didn't look like she wanted information-- what DID she want? "You're right-- I wouldn't touch your mind with a 10 foot pole."

her hand away now that he has stopped to react to the touch Zabuza eyes the boy. Pale skin, obviously cared for in some way, lovely long blond hair. It certainly seemed that this young man took at least some interest in his appearance. Usually she wasn't much interested in her prey past the best way to shuffle them off the mortal coil but she really didn't feel like killing the boy, after all then she would have to go out and retrieve another specimen and she would much prefer having to do as little as possible for Kabumi and by extension Orochimay. Wrapping a pale golden strand around her finger she gave the boy's hair a less then gentle tug, like a cat playing with a mouse.

Inosuke flinched out of pure habit. He didn't LIKE people messing with his hair. It was his pride and joy-- he conditioned it, oiled it, and brushed it lovingly. People would always comment what beautiful hair he had, so beautiful girls were jealous of it. And he kept it long, almost waist length due to sheer vanity, and for the fact both his parents had the same style.

A new smile blossomed on Zabuza's lips. A new weakness, who would have thought. Again she tugged at the strand.

"What are you seven years old?" he sneered, lip curling. "You get your kicks pulling boys hair?"

"Nothing but the dead and dying around here." The tug turned into a yank. "And the dead rarely scream while the dying deserve some peace."

A small grunt broke it's way free from his throat. Bitch, his mind whispered. If he got out of this alive, he would surely get his revenge. "Maybe you should find a better job then."

"Our contracts are for life I'm afraid." Keeping up the empty small talk Zabuza let go of the strand and carefully picked a new one.

"That sort of sucks for you because you're stuck here doing Orochimayu's dirty work," Inosuke tried to keep a straight face, but the fact she was touching his HAIR really made him nervous. He felt the need to take about 10 showers just to get clean again. "So, are you going to dance around it all night or are you going to kill me already?"

"Now you see I can't do that...yet." A fingernail scraped against Inosuke's scalp. "There's a lot you still have to look forward too." Not that the former Mist-nin was much interested in Kabumi's supposed 'reasearch'.

Inosuke let himself be played with, remember the lectures of the T&I training. Let your mind be somewhere else. Pretend you're not really there. Keep answers short, if any at all. "I'll bet."

Zabuza sighed, really she wasn't one for torture if it could be avoided. Plain killing was more her style really, or even seduction and backstabbing intrigue. Maybe torture was one of those things they were thought at the ninja academy....She snorted at the thought. Fat good that had done any of her year mates. Turning back to the boy she gave his hair another stronger yank. At the moment she was almost more interested in a decent conversation that inflicting pain.
Barely feeling the pain, his hair band finally snapped and blond locks fell down his back and around his arms. "Having fun?" he asked, dryly.
"Not really." Pulling a kunai she began to shorten the strand she was holding on to. "How about you?"

"Me either-- how about we adjourn and play Twister?" Inosuke's eyebrow flinched when he saw a piece of his hair fall to the ground. Definitely would kill them all when she got a chance. All of them.

"Don't think they have a twister game here." Another inch of golden hair fell to the floor, glittering where it caught the light amidst the dirt.

Inosuke really had to concentrate on not flinching. It was just hair. It would grow back. Everything was fine. "You guys should invest in it. How about poker?"

"Now that would only work if you had something worth risking." Having cut the first strand up to an inch or two to Inosuke's skin Zabuza carefully picked a new strand.

Inosuke figured with the way things were going, his hair was going to be about shoulder length, if he was lucky. Because apparently, while wanting to hack it off, she was still intrigued by the hair. "You know, my hair never did anything to you."

" No. but I doubt it will matter anyway soon so I might as well keep myself entertained." This time it took only two cuts before pale skin shone through where once the hair had been.

Inosuke bit back a groan. "Glad you're having a good time. Maybe I should return the favor?" and maybe, cut her throat along with it.

" Maybe later," A tug, a cut and a feathery touch as a complete strand rushed against Inosuke's chest on the way down. " You're from the hidden leaf village, right?" It was really a superfluous question, considering he had worn the hitae-ate. " Do you know the copy cat ninja?"

"No-- I'm not familiar with this person," Inosuke noted that now-- he had bangs. Interesting.

"Pity. I would like to know if she's still alive." The other side received a similar cut only an inch longer making the whole thing look rather loop sided. " So which one of the others are you here for?"

Layers. Cute. Now he'd look more femme than ever. "I'm here for you," he said dryly. "Want to go out on a date?"

"Cute. But that's not true. You weren't on an official mission so you must have come on your own, most likely because we have somebody of importance to you." Snip,snip snip. The layer of hair on the ground had grown thick enough to cover the dirt floor and hide it from sight. "The boy maybe? It wouldn't surprise me."

He sighed as his hair covered the ground. This sucked so hard. "I'm here for all my comrades-- you know how it is, loyalty and all that."

"Loyalty..." Again this concept, she remembered it vividly from the last confrontation with the shinobi from the hidden leaf. It had been the one thing the orange clad brat had banged on about, it had taken Haku's death for Zabuza to understand at least part of it in her life. "So how is you getting captured going to help them. Or do you want to die in solidarity?"

"There will be others," he said lightly. "And you guys are going to be screwed. Badly."

"Others? Like you're corpulent friend? " Deft fingers began to braid a strand of blond hair. " Now wont that be fun." Another fight, Zabuza felt her heart beat faster at the thought and this time maybe even with decent opponents. Licking her lips she glanced at the few remaining waist length strands that hung forlonrly from Inosuke's head..nothing really that couldn't wait till later. . and Haku was supposed to be somewhere close by.

Inosuke said a little prayer for his hair. It was such a waste really. "I hope they send the strongest shinobi to kill you all in cold blood, I really do."

"So do I," Zabuza's voice purred into his ear.

inosuke, rp log, december year 15, zabuya

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