Time to get the hell out of Dodge...[Oto Team]

Sep 28, 2007 22:37

ooc: Occurs after Yuugao's fight, Nejiko's fight, and any other fights... that is, this is where you end up when you're ready to go home

We need to blow this popsicle stand... )

haku, rp thread, kakami, august year 17, nejiko, yuugao

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naruko_npc October 18 2007, 15:42:27 UTC
Relief would be an understatement. Haruhi almost jumped and ran to the familiar chakra signature the second she picked it up. But a careful glance at Haku made her realize that was probably not the smartest move. So instead she waited until the ANBU turned the corner before making her move.

The slumping was a good start but she helped him to the ground. Once he was seated, she started to move through a flurrly of hand signs. "Please watch out for enemy," she asked, looking briefly at Haku. Not waiting for a reply, she returned her attention to her patient. Chakra flowed around her hands as she moved it up and down his side, brows furrowed in concentration.

"It's the spleen," she frowned, not at all happy with the prognosis. She let her hands drop and went for her bag. "Drink this," she ordered firmly, handing it to him. She pulled out a scroll and was placed against his side.

"How long do you need?" Haku said, eyeing the hall warily.

"Fifteen minutes," she replied. She closed her eyes and startd to concentrate, hands placed on the scroll as her lips started to move through the incantation.

Haku frowned and turned her attention back to the hall. The approaching chuunin looked confused but they were still starting to head down this way.


weighted_wings October 18 2007, 18:36:30 UTC
Once in the stairwell Nejiko used a few moments to cover her face again with a genjutsu of her mask. Irritation at losing her mask in the first place showed a moment before she suppressed it. She had other problems to handle. Like the trio of chuunin she Saw ahead of her, who were also approaching Haruhi, Uzuki-san, and the girl Haku.

She palmed two senbon with her free hand and flung them as she stepped into the hall behind the chuunin. They struck precisely at the base of the skull, causing the two unnamed kunoichi to drop bonelessly. The remaining kunoichi whirled in time to get a senbon through the throat, the point slipping between vertabrae to pierce the spinal cord. She collapsed immediately, but died slower than her mates.

Nejiko stepped over the bodies, non-chalantly plucking the senbon out before continuing on her way towards the others.

"Uzuki-san, Tatsumi-san," she said, putting enough volume into her words so that the two addressed knew she was without drawing too much attention from the healing the mednin was working on. She glanced at Haku speculatively, tipping her head at the girl. Then she returned her attention to Yuugao. "Hatake-san is on her way here, and there is also an exit nearby. After your healing is finished, we can either all head out or wait for her to catch up. I can use chakra to leave a trail for the Sharingan to follow. Alternatively, I can give directions of where to go, and wait here for her, myself." As Yuugao was the more senior ANBU, she would defer to his decision. Meanwhile, she continued to utilize Byakugan to keep aware for further threats.


anbu_moon November 1 2007, 04:58:50 UTC
Yuugao was glad for the vaguely numbing feeling of healing chakra. Though the drink was vile. They were always vile. He felt the twitches still going on in an intangible-but-tangible way inside him and looked up at the medic-nin. It was always a little fascinating to watch a medic-nin's face as they worked. Certainly was better than watching them put your bloody body back together. At least there was no blood this time.

With Hyuuga-san's approach he lifted his head and looked to her instead. For a split-second he wondered why she bothered asking his opinion, then remembered he was the senior here. "If there are any threats that should arrive before Kakami-senpai then we should move out now and leave a trail. Otherwise we can wait." He looked at the medic and smiled. "You don't have to fix me all the way, just get it to a point where I can get out of here without fearing a blackout, ne?"


naruko_npc November 3 2007, 03:41:31 UTC
A ghost of a smile flitted across her face. "You'd never be able to afford the bill if I had to perform surgery in the middle of an enemy compound." She concentrated again, feeling herself get more relaxed as she worked. This was what she was good at, not sneaking around dark corners trying not to get caught by dangerous enemy nin. Even though there was some serious damage, she was confident she could keep him stable until they left.

"Okay, that's all I can do," Haruhi said. "So long as you don't try any jumping jacks, you should hold in one piece until we get back."

She stood up and faced the ANBU, giving her a critical look over. Injuries yes, but nothing too critical. "I need to conserve my chakra," she said, somewhat apologetic that she could heal the other ANBU right away. "And our supplies here are limited. We need to get outside to a safe location so I can set up proper triage."

Haruhi's eyes flickered once down towards the man on the ground before looking back at the female ANBU. The look as all she needed to convey that lingering here was only placing his health at greater risk.


weighted_wings November 3 2007, 08:35:26 UTC
Nejiko's head nodded assent almost instantly. Better to have them move to a safer locale than to risk all of them for one. "We should go, Uzuki-san. I will mark a trail for Hatake-san to follow." He would understand what she didn't say aloud: the mission objective was half-reached. The other half was to get Haku to the Hidden Leaf. Kakami would either catch up with them, or she would not. It was nothing personal, simply the nature of the mission. If you fell behind and the mission could be completed without you, you were on your own. (Pity to lose a strong, skilled, and trustworthy Sharingan-user, but only Yuuhi could have prevented the situation from arising in the first place.)

"I will take point." She didn't trust the radio, and she was the only one who knew where the exit as well as the one who would have the best warning of any nasty surprises. She eyed Haku from behind the mask and recalled the girl had had ample opportunity to kill Yuugao and Haruhi had she felt so inclined. Still, Nejiko remained wary. "Haku behind me, then Tatsumi-san, then Uzuki-san?" she suggested quickly.


anbu_moon November 5 2007, 19:01:13 UTC
"Agreed," Yuugao said, looking over the group before putting both hands firmly against the wall behind him and scooting one leg up to a half-crouched position underneath him. Haruhi had done him a lot of good, but there was still a very definite amount of pain.

He hissed a little as he got back to his feet and straightened out, instinctively putting his hand over the wounded area for a moment before preparing to exit. It was distressing to leave Kakami behind, but she was capable and she had her pack. Nejiko would not have been able to tell them if she was injured, but he at least assumed she was still not under attack. Yuugao could only hope it stayed that way. And besides, his gut still felt like it had alternately been a fuel source and a punching bag. That alone was more than enough reason to get out of there.

"Let's move," Yuugao drew his sword and despite the pain assumed a much more assertive stance. Unless his foes were medic-nin or experts in body language they would have a hard time telling he was even injured. At least that was one advantage to having an internal injury over an external one.

Well, if searing pain could really be part of an advantage.


frozen_usagi November 9 2007, 03:36:03 UTC
It was about time, Haku thought, watching the two ANBU settle into formation and start the retreat. She didn't doubt they'd get away but some part of her watched the walls of the Oto complex and whispered the desire to crush them, to bring the entire place down. It wouldn't be hard to do, just get into the walls and find the pipes then turn this entire place into an ice prison, crushing every person who had imprisoned her here...

She let go of the breath she was holding and noted that it was visible. Apparently the voice in her head had started to work its way into her body, seeking to bring to fruition the dark desires it spoke of. No, Haku replied firmly. Not until they've brought you back to Zabuya-sama. Not until she tells you what to do.

Because as much as she wanted to crush the Oto-nin in this building, she knew the last nin was in this place as well and it would only end badly for Haku if in addition to Oto, there was one Konoha nin among the dead. A nin whose name was all too familiar.

So she steeled herself, locked her eyes on the back of the ANBU in front of her and followed silently, holding on to the tiny shred of hope that they weren't lying, that they would bring her back to Zabuya-sama. Because if they didn't... then she would simply reign her vengeance on Konoha instead.


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