[Thread] Not Your Afternoon Tea [Aki, Kureno, Rin, Tsurude]

Jun 12, 2007 12:49

[[OOC: Following immediately after this thread.]]Kureno knew Rin had told him he needed to take it easy on his mind and body, mainly in giving them proper nutrition and rest. The nutrition part was easy, but not so much the resting. Taking more breaks during work hours was difficult, but so far Kureno felt he’d been doing a good job. He even ( Read more... )

tsurude, rp thread, kureno, aki, june year 17, rin

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dango_is_love June 13 2007, 05:35:05 UTC
Aki was just beaming.

Partly because Tsurude-sama had taken to his idea so strongly (never mind that Tsurude's reputation. Aki was just soaking in the idea that someone that someone had listened to him for once).

He eyed Kureno. "If you're going to grouch, then do it quietly. Besides, you can get food if you want. This place has it."

True, most of those were bar snacks but they had appetizers.

...One or two. Aki wasn't concerned with technicalities at the moment. He just wanted his liquids and grinned broadly when the waitress returned.


konoha_fifth June 13 2007, 15:08:54 UTC
Tsurude added his glare to Aki's, eyeing Kureno unhappily. "I honestly don't understand the younger generation of jounin. In my day, we took a chance at being with our friends as a gift not a chore." The waitress poured the sake and for a moment, Tsurude was too concerned with the way her cleavage seemed to go on forever as she leaned forward to pour.

When she righted herself once more, he suddenly realized he could think again so he continued speaking. "But then we weren't enjoying the luxury of peace at the time and going soft."

The waitress held out the bill and Tsurude took it. "As for money, I'll cover this as a thanks to humoring an old man. I suppose it's the least I can do." He pulled a purse out of his pocket that looked much too feminine to be his own. He paid with enough coin to cover the bill and give her a nice tip. A working girl like her should get a break every so often.


yuuhi_kureno June 13 2007, 16:13:55 UTC
At the suggestion of food, Kureno arched an eyebrow at his luxurious choices of beer nuts and pickled eggs. Clearly this was a place to get drunk, and judging from the waitresses outfit and build, also a place to "have a good time". He was feeling less comfortable with this place by the minute. (At least Hokage's presence was drawing attention away from him for once.)

And then he had to be hit with some "friends and peace" speech that made him want to roll his eyes and feel guilty at the same time. He strictly resisted the first which left him with feeling a little bad about worry over such a thing. ...Until Tsurude pulled the money out and Kureno founding himself doubting and wondering just whose purse that really was.

...Maybe the other man was right and he should just enjoy this "gift".

"Thank you, Hokage-sama," he said humbly and accepted his cup.


medical_miracle June 13 2007, 18:50:44 UTC
Absent-mindedly humming assent, Rin took his cup and sipped. Two in the afternoon was normally way too early to be drinking anything, but hell, he was working night shifts and all manner of thing right now - he was sort of exempt from the 'normal hours' rule.

Leaning back in the booth, he looked over at the other three men and smiled brightly. "Ah, life is good," he sighed cheerfully. "Thanks, Tsurude-sama I..."

And then it was as if a light went off over Rin's head (in actual fact, the dimly shaded bulb flickered just a little) and he snapped his fingers triumphantly. "I got it! Zelkova! I have been here before. Working, upstairs there was a ( ... )


konoha_fifth June 13 2007, 20:18:33 UTC
Tsurude froze as soon as he saw the three women sasshaying their way over. It wasn't because they were beautiful or scantily clad. In fact, most normal men would probably be extremely happy to see something like that. The problem was, Tsurude was not a normal. He was the leader of the entire freaking village. He was HokageAnd the Hokage had just walked into a brothel ( ... )


dango_is_love June 13 2007, 21:57:58 UTC
Aki perked up when he saw the girls.

And then burst into laughter at their obviously enthusiastic greeting of Rin. The purple haired man leaned against the back of his seat still laughing heartily. It was just a very funny picture, seeing all those girls cooing at the quiet medic. Not to mention blackmail...

Aki paused in his laughter and looked at the three girls. He seemed to almost be coming up with some sort of deep, important thought, when he caught where the Hokage's hand had "landed".

...Oh hell with it. They were probably all in trouble by now. Izume, he was pretty sure, wouldn't appreciate all this. Bother. Although to be fair, Aki had forgotten about this part of the bar. He frequented so many and not all of them soberly.


yuuhi_kureno June 13 2007, 23:18:35 UTC
Sure, now he was right after they were all in trouble. Perhaps it wasn't too late to create a pact to never speak of this ever again and keep this from reaching outside gossip.

...Which was kind of too bad though. The look on Kakami's face would have been priceless.

There were so many things to say at this moment. Something along the lines of "I told you so" to Hokage and a slew of teasing lines to throw at Rin involving phrases like "playing doctor", "physical", and "I bet Kakami would like to meet your friends".

But speaking presented the risk of having attention drawn to him and moving...well, Tsurude-sama had demonstrated what a mistake moving could be. This would have been an excellent time to put his genjutsu mastery to use and simply disappear, but Kureno was fairly sure there was some rule or law about abandoning the Hokage, even in situations like these. So instead of bolting like his instincts told him to, Kureno did what he was next best at.

He stayed very still and very quiet.


medical_miracle June 14 2007, 01:02:46 UTC
If only Rin could adopt Kureno's tactic. Or kick Aki under the table for laughing. Or slam his palm over his face at Tsurude's wandering hands. As it was he had his hands full trying his utmost to squirm out the grip of the busty blonde affectionately doodling interesting patterns on his chest with her delicately manicured fingers.

Baaaad touchies. Oh no. This was not with the good.

"Uhm, no... stop it, need those buttons buttoned kay thanks, Kimi-san," he coughed, gently but firmly removing her hands best he could. Not easy. Not easy.

"So shy, Rin-sensei~!" she sing-songed ruffling his hair. "You know since you took such good care of us we'd love to do the same for you~~"

"Ahem, n-no... don't need any taking care of, thanks," he muttered, pretty sure he was blushing brighter than any of the bar's lamps. Oh god. He could normally do fine with all of this (he was a doctor after all, and he knew everybody, and hey, their job was their job - or so he told himself) but damnit he was a something-or-othered man now and... oh god, ( ... )


konoha_fifth June 14 2007, 01:40:35 UTC
Tsurude had been in more battles then all the people at the table had been in combined. He was a master tactician, an excellent leader, a medic without par. He had one sure win tactic in mind. One clear way to escape this and possibly maintain his integrity as Hokage.

"Limits!" Tsurude seized upon, slowly starting to slink down in his chair. "Limits are very good, very important, very much in place with everyone here." He started to sink further, slowly, slowly. "Everyone here is off limits, completely uninteresting, totally boring, no sex appeal at all..." His nose brushed against the edge of the table.

Okay, time to let go of the breast, man. It hasn't been that long ( ... )


yuuhi_kureno June 14 2007, 06:03:36 UTC

During a three-second silence, which was made very heavy with the sudden surge of three predatory auras, Kureno's mind decided that: yes, Tsurude-sama had just done that; no, murdering the Hokage was never the right answer; yes, I should stop thinking now and RUN.

It was every man for himself right now as far as Kureno was concerned. Time to make with that genjutsu master thing he was thinking about earlier and vanish into thin air--literally. And with some swift handseals of his own, Kureno did just that right before the brunette could pour herself over his chair.

Rin and Aki would survive. ...Most likely.


dango_is_love June 14 2007, 19:00:18 UTC
Aki abruptly stopped laughing and straightened at Tsurude's words. His eyes got wide with Kureno's quick escape.

Just him and Rin. Aki didn't know, but he was pretty sure that somehow Kakami would figure out a way to blame him if something went wrong.

...And he really wanted to live to see his first date.

Rin's arm was grabbed, he was jerked up, and Aki instantly started moving and fast. All those years of ducking out of bills had really helped improve his speed.


medical_miracle June 14 2007, 20:10:12 UTC
Apparently Rin was always going to be someone who needed rescued. From the enemy, from himself, from tumble-dryers, from his co-workers, from amourous and playful prostitutes, from life in general.

As he was yanked by the wrist out his seat, out Kimi's grasp and out the door - Rin found himself spectacularly grateful that it was Aki rescuing him this time and not Asuka or Kakami. Especially not Kakami.

He didn't think she'd find this as funny as Kureno and Aki did. He also didn't think he wanted to explain. As he and Aki gave each other one look, and then split for parts unknown to the other, Rin reflected that this was probably not the way to spend his days leading up to ensconcment in the village's most important holy site.

He also reflected that he was NEVER following Tsurude on a half-assed drinking expedition again.

________________Meanwhile, back in the Zelkova ( ... )


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