I went out on a date last night.
Before you all ask (And I know you will) her name is Georgia and she's lovely, and we went to my 6th form party at a club in town. Somewhere deep down, right in here *prods himself*, I have this little inkling that things between the two of us might turn into something pretty freaking good. I think we got on really well all night, and we are going out again next week, except this time without the horrendously thumping music and scary drunk people.
Luke (
this_is_heaven ) had a blast too, discovered he's a pretty damn swishy dancer (Yes, I saw you, you rogue) and that he does like going out after all. I told him he would. How wise do I feel right now?
Of course, I don't expect you to answer that, because it was a ridiculous rhetorical question. However, if you have a good idea, answers on a postcard please.
It's a shame I had to knock the poor boy unconscious, dress him up smartly, put him in a sack and drag him to the club to make him go, but he's learned a valuable lesson.
Don't leave the frying pans where I can reach them.