Title: Get A Chance To See You Smile
Author: Narrativeliving
Rating: PG-13 for dead things and Graverobber's potty mouth.
Disclaimer: I don't own Shilo, Graverobber, Dead Marni, or any monkeys. The title comes from "Hero/Heroine"m by Boys Like Girls, which to my mind, is a Shilo/Graverobber song if there ever was one.
A/N: A missing scene from just after "Needle Through a Bug"
The kid moved on auto-pilot, helping Graverobber down from where Rotti Largo had trapped him. Once he was on his feet, she thrust the glowing Zydrate at him. "Here. I...I don't want this." He took it without comment, pocketing it.
"You ok, kid?" he asked, a little concern touching his voice. The way she was staring at the body worried him. She looked like she was going to break down at any moment.
"That's my mother." she whispered.
Oh. Shit. He looked at the body, and fuck, if there wasn't a resemblance.
He put a hand on her shoulder, pulling her back and away.
"Come on." he draped an arm over her shoulder, drawing her away to the next room. She went quietly, tucking herself against him, trembling a little.
"What'cha thinking?" he asked, when they were well away from the corpse.
"How long before that body is me." she answered dully. He glanced down at her, tiny little thing, one eyebrow cocked.
"I gotta tell you, baby, that's fuckin' morbid."
Her face lit a little, a smile trying to force its way to the surface, and he found he rather wanted to see that smile.
"Well, she has...she had the same blood disease as I do.", she explained.
"But there's a cure, right?"
"I think so...I hope so...I don't know." She looked forward into the darkness, toward the only door left to open. He followed her gaze.
"Know where you're going?" he asked. She shook her head, still staring at the door.
"Need some help?" She looked at him, surprised. He shrugged.
"Thought I'd offer." She shook her head, but that smile was getting closer to breaking though.
"No, thank you, but...I think I'm supposed to do this on my own." He nodded. He knew that feeling.
"Well, luck be with you, kid." He bowed a little, and she gave him a wide-eyed grateful look that flipped something in his stomach, and started forward. It wasn't till she was pushing open the door that he decided to ask.
"Hey!" he yelled after her, and she turned in the doorway, framed by the light from the room beyond. "What's your name?"
The smile finally won its battle, spreading across her face and he was struck by how beautiful it was.
"Shilo." He liked that. "You look me up, when this is all over, got me, Shilo?"
She nodded, still smiling and he leaned against the wall to watch her scamper away into her fate.
He shook his head. Shilo. Who'da thought?