More comming from your wonderful mod
angstyluvbucket later, she'll elaborate more on the comm.
We now have an OOC community for any and all non informational-updateage by mods posts. It's where you will post your "dude, I'm gonna be gone for a few days" or your general "lets get to know each other :D" posts (which we strongly recomend you get to know your partners in crime).
We'd like to make the official community as clean and organized as possible, and in doing that make it look much more presentable so more people will want to join. We feel horrible about this, but if you could please NOT post you character journals on the community, that would be much apreciated.
narplicity_ooc is the name, please friend it.
Thank you very much, and once again more information about the changes in Narplicity later from one of the other mods