Mar 01, 2006 16:50
Since it seems to be running rampant, and many of the younger generation seem to be either misinformed or clueless about it, I feel there needs to be some sort of discussion about sex.
First of all, if you're under 18, it would be preferable if you merely abstained. You're all excellent ninja, and you do not need to be having children at this point in your lives. Even same-sex relationships are not exempt from possible pregnancies, it seems, as evidenced by Naruto's current condition.
Aside from pregnancy, there is also the possibility of contracting a Sexually Transmitted Disease, or STD. Depending upon which one you get, the effects can run anywhere from discomfort to pain to sterility (meaning that you won't be able to have children, ever). Some STDs can be healed with medicines, but some can stay with you for the rest of your lives.
If you feel that you absolutely must have sex, please, protect yourself and your partner, through the use of contraceptives, condoms, dental dams, etc.
Don't let anyone pressure you into anything you don't want to do. Sex is a very intimate thing, and should be shared between two people who care about each other deeply, not casually after one or two meetings.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask me.
If you're an adult, that's your business, but still, please protect yourselves. The battlefield isn't the only place you can get hurt.
As for me, I'm going to continue to abstain.