Wednesday, 13 September 2006

Sep 14, 2006 00:38

Editor's Note: Attention authors! Please rate and put summaries on each part of your stories! Otherwise, your summary and rating will not make it into the Herald. Our time is not unlimited, and we cannot search through 20+ posts to find a summary. Thank you!

Editor's Note #2: The narniaficathon is now open for signups! Stories aren't due until the end of November, so sign up, and tell your friends!

General Narnia Fiction
- deepwonderment wrote 5 Emotional Scars Susan Pevensie Wished Were Healed. Susan reflects on five things that hurt her emotionally. Susan. G.
- londonpryncess wrote Let Go, chapters 8 and 9. No summary given. Peter/Susan, Edmund/Lucy. Unknown rating. Incest.
- faerie_dance wrote Platonic. When Peter hugs Edmund, he sometimes lets the hug linger longer than it should. Peter/Edmund. G. Incest. Slash.
- suborbital wrote Legend of the Shian pt 2. Edmund rushes to SharShian to save King Firson. Peter arrives in the capital. A fated Prince makes an appearance. Edmund. Unknown rating. Incest. Slash.

Real Person Fiction
- shirehobbit2002 wrote A Little Faith, chapters 26 and 27. No summary given. Will/Anna. Unknown rating.
- londonpryncess wrote More Than Anyone, chapters 18, 19 and 20. No summary given. Will/Anna. Unknown rating.
- fallintothesea wrote Bones. I was on a bunch of muscle relaxers, didn't you know?
Still am. Ah, the good medicine. James/Georgie. PG-13.

- queenofnarnia/Sawyer posted 21 Lucy/Aslan icons.
- anewheaven posted 2 animations and 3 Edmund icons.
- xleoloverx posted 8 icons.
- mountian_music posted wallpapers
- aiken_4clay posted 100 Lucy icons.
- hpfan4life posted 34 icons.
- alfiri posted 16 icons.
- aj_stalin posted 4 icons.

- There is a nomination reminder in narnia_awards.
- The most recent challenge at narniastills has been extended
- Challenge 26 has been posted at moseley_hush.

- rpeate wants to discuss The Silver Chair, The Magician's Nephew and A Horse and His Boy.

- drummerbaby723 is looking for a Tumnus/Lucy beta.
- 12pointsecrets asks to be rated at narnia_ratings.

*The editors of the Narnian Herald would appreciate if authors would rate and summarize their fiction, and post warnings for content, and artists to give icon counts (if applicable) and any relevant warnings.

*Anyone who has a community to add to the NH list should comment here. The NH watchlist can be found here.
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