More Than Anyone (Chapter 20)

Sep 13, 2006 19:54

Hey all this is the second to last the next chapter I will post will be the last...which is funny bc i just thought of a title for this story..."More than anyone" I'm going to back and change the subjects on my entries...which will be a pain...but oh thinking about writing a sequel...about seven years in the there will be more will/anna raising their son..and a lot of georgie and skandar who are going to get together eventually...but i just wnt to know what everyone would think about a sequel to this...let me know..thank you all for reading!


The night of the Prince Caspian premiere came quickly. Will and Anna were extremely excited. This would be their first event together as husband and wife. Thankfully, Anna had found an amazing dress the night Will sent her out shopping. Along with a whole new wardrobe of wonderful things and found great amusement at Will’s expression when he had received the bill.

Searching her closet for the new shoes she had bought to match her dress, Anna frowned when she realized they needed to be strapped and buckled. Unfortunately, she forgot about the little bundle of joy in her swollen belly, and couldn’t even see her toes.

“William!” she called over her shoulder, sitting on the bed. Her hormones had become much more stable and things such as this no longer made her upset…but it still frustrated her at times.

“What is it, love?” Will asked, entering their bedroom. He was dressed in black pants and a white collared, much like he had worn to the Pirates 2 premiere. Although he seemed to have decided on a less conspicuous belt this time around.

Smiling, Anna held up her shoe, “Would you mind?”

Laughing, Will came to kneel in front of his wife, “Of course, Cinderella…” After making sure her shoes were buckled, Will kissed her briefly and helped her stand up from the bed. “Are you going to be comfortable in those shoes all night?”

“I’m bringing flats for the after party…these are just for the carpet and photos…”

“Fashionable until the end…even with swollen ankles…”

“They’re not as bad as they were last week though…That was horrible…” Anna replied.

“You look gorgeous, darling…That dress is amazing…” Will said, taking his wife’s hand and twirling her around.

“Thank you…” she said, wrapping her arms around her husband’s middle. Will kissed Anna’s forehead and held her tightly for a moment.

“Do you think Georgie and Skandar are on speaking terms yet?” Will asked Anna, resting his head on top of hers.

“Not sure…I doubt it…Georgie said that he’s been calling her but she wont answer or return his messages…”


“So is he…”

“Georgie knows how Skandar gets when he’s upset…he’s a hot head…he doesn’t think before he speaks and he would never want to hurt Georgie, purposefully.”

Sighing, Anna pulled away from her husband, “Yes, but he cant go around saying hurtful things to people just because he’s upset or annoyed…Georgie should have slapped him…I would have…”

Will nodded in agreement, “Well, hopefully they’ll at least be civil this evening…the car should be here soon to pick us up…I’m going to go and call Andrew make sure every thing is running smoothly…”

“I’ll be down in a minute,” Anna said. She kissed her husband gently on the lips before he left the room.


“Will! Anna! Look this way please!” called photographers on the red carpet. Will and Anna obligingly stopped and posed for photographs and answered questions as they made their way inside for the premiere.

“How’s married life, Will?” called one interviewer.

“Amazing…” he answered back.

“He’d better say that,” Anna smiled and caused laughter among the photographers.

“And how’s the baby…pregnancy been rough?” asked someone else in the crowd.

Placing a hand over her belly, Anna replied, “As rough as it is for any woman…We’re really excited and can’t wait for our new arrival…”

“Can you tell us the sex of the baby? Why is it you never come out for events anymore? Will! Anna!”

Too many questions were coming all at once. No matter how far down the red carpet they got, they were still being bombarded. Anna felt slightly dizzy with all the flashes of bulbs in her face. She squeezed Will’s hand and he looked at her worriedly. He tried to get inside as quickly as possible, but the questions and pictures seemed never ending.

“I’m sure there are things that Will and Anna would both like to keep private…obviously since they seem to be avoiding most of your questions…it would be kindly appreciated if you would just ask questions regarding the movie…,” Andrew said coming up behind the two young stars.

Sighing with relief, Anna hugged the director, “Thank you, Andrew…I was beginning to feel a bit flustered…”

“Anytime,” Andrew replied. “I’ve got medics on call to, Anna…just to be safe…”

“Really…thank you Andrew…we appreciate it,” Will smiled.

“Of course…Skandar and Georgie are waiting for you inside…”

Andrew escorted Will and Anna inside, making sure that no one else harassed them with more questions about their personal life. They were movie stars so it was to be expected, but it was a little much especially with Anna being pregnant.

“Will! Anna!” Georgie exclaimed running towards them. She hugged them both tightly and grabbed their hands leading them towards where Skandar was standing.

“I thought you two would never get here…” Skandar said, kissing Anna’s cheek and embracing Will.

“I’m moving a bit slower nowadays…if you haven’t noticed…” laughed Anna.

“You still look beautiful though,” Skandar replied.

Raising an eyebrow, Anna looked at her costar curiously, “Is there a reason you’re buttering me up?”

“Do I need a reason to be nice to one of my favorite people?”

Will and Anna replied in unison, “Yes.” They all laughed, except for Georgie who was standing slightly behind Anna, holding her hand. She had hoped the Moseley’s would have gotten there before Skandar, unfortunately that hadn’t been the case. So she was stuck standing their in silence, ignoring Skandar’s attempts to make conversation.

“Are you all ready?” Andrew asked.

Nodding, Andrew led the four main stars into the theater.


Anna sat at a table watching the people around her. The after party was a wonderful affair and Anna wished that she could walk around and mingle more than she already had. Unfortunately, even though she had changed her shoes, they were still aching. So much to her dismay, Will had ordered her to sit and rest her feet. He had gone off to get them something to drink. If everyone hadn’t been stopping him trying to start a conversation he would have been back sooner.

When he came to sit beside her at the table, Will handed his wife a water, “Here, love…do you need anything else?”

Leaning over to kiss his cheek, Anna replied, “Just you…”

“We can leave if you’re not having fun…”

“No…I’m having a great time…People having been coming over and talking to me all night…I just wish I could dance or something besides sit here…Any sign of our two favorite stubborn people?”

Motioning towards the back of the room, Will said, “There’s Georgie talking to James…and I think Skandar was talking to Tilda last I saw him…”

“I spoke with them earlier…they both want to come to the christening when we have it…”

“Of course…”

“Georgie and Skandar are still avoiding each other huh?”

“As far as I can tell…I don’t like it when we can’t all be together like normal…”

“Neither do I…perhaps we should interfere…just this once…”

“I don’t know Anna…” Will hesitated.

Wrapping her arm through her husband’s, Anna replied, “You don’t like to see them hurting any more than I do…we’ll just get them alone together…Why don’t you go invite them over here?”

“And then what?”

“Just follow along…”

“Yes, dear…” After Anna playfully smacked Will for his sarcastic response, he went off to collect his young friends.

“Enjoying yourself, Anna…” came a voice behind her.

Her body immediately froze at the sound of his voice. “What are you doing here, Jeremy?”

Taking a seat beside Anna, Jeremy leaned back in the chair, “It seems that someone forgot to take me off the guest list…”

Dammit, thought Anna. She had completely forgotten that she had requested he be invited to the after party. After all, they had been friends in the past…with everything that had happened it didn’t even register in her mind.

“Well, that doesn’t mean I want you here…why don’t you leave me alone…my husband will be back in a moment…” she said, her tone icy.

“Perhaps, I’d like to stay and chat with an old friend…” Jeremy said, smirking.

“Old friend being the key words, Jeremy. I want nothing to do with you anymore…now go…”


“I think Anna asked you to leave nicely.” Jeremy turned around to see Georgie Henley, arms crossed, glaring at him. Will has asked her to meet him and Anna back at their table, but he was still off trying to find Skandar.

“Oh, why don’t you go find someone your own age to play with and let the adults talk…”

“Don’t speak to her that way,” snapped Anna. She made to get up and leave, but felt Jeremy grabbed her wrist tightly.

“Let her go…” Georgie said, pushing him out of his chair. A few people noticed the commotion and someone had gone off to find Will and Andrew…

Jeremy, roughly released Anna’s wrist and then grabbed Georgie’s arm, “You need to learn to respect your elders.”

“Hey!” a male voice yelled.

Before he could register who had spoken, Jeremy had been hit in the face and had fallen to the ground. Getting up, he saw that Skandar had been the one to hit him. Then he felt someone grab his neck, squeezing tightly from behind.

“I thought I told you before to stay away from her,” Will said angrily, trying to maintain his composure.

Twisting out of Will’s grasp, Jeremy turned punching him in the face and then in the stomach.

“WILL!” screamed Anna, rushing to his side. He pushed her behind him, not wanting her to get hurt. Georgie started running towards them both, but was pushed down by Jeremy who had seen her from the corner of his eye.

Tilda went to Georgie’s side, holding her tightly. James had gone to get security, but Andrew was already heading towards the fight with security in tow. Skandar however wasn’t a patient person and the fact that Jeremy had threatened Anna and Georgie was more than enough for him to unleash his anger. Running forward, Skandar tackled Jeremy to the ground, punching in a few times. Jeremy, unfortunately had also gotten a few punches in. Wiping the blood from his mouth, Skandar was about to start swinging once again, felt Will pull him back.

“Enough…” Will said. After restraining Skandar, Will bent over Jeremy who was cowering in fear at this point. “If you ever…ever lay a hand on any member of my family again or come near any of them ever again…what Skandar did to you, will be nothing compared to what I do…”

Jeremy’s response was to spit in Will’s face. No longer able to control himself, Will punched Jeremy in the face, knocking him out. Just in time for security to break through the crowd.

“Will…Will, are you alright?” Andrew asked, looking over the young actor to make sure he wasn’t hurt.

“I’m fine…” Will replied. He then turned to Anna, who had her face in her hands, sobbing. Walking over to her, Will pulled her hands from her face and stroked her cheek, “Anna…are you alright? Did he hurt you?”

“No…he…he just grabbed my wrist…This is all my fault…I completely forgot to have him removed from the invitee list…How could I have been so stupid? Oh, Will…are you okay?” Anna saw the blood trickling down his face. Some of it was Jeremy’s when he had spit in his face, and some of it was from Will when he had gotten hit.

“I’m alright…” Will answered.

Scanning the crowd, he saw Georgie in Tilda’s arms, and Skandar kneeling in front of them. Taking Anna’s hand, Will walked towards them.

“Georgie…are you hurt?” Anna asked, trying to control her tears.

“I think…so…I scrapped my arm though when he pushed me…” Georgie said, wincing when she moved to show them.

“The medic needs to take a look at that…it looks like you cut it on some broken glass…” Tilda stated.

“Skandar…you okay?” inquired Will, placing a hand on his friend’s shoulder.

His only response was to nod. Skandar then offered a hand to help Tilda from the floor and Georgie as well. When Georgie was on her feet, she looked at Skandar for a moment, before launching herself into his arms and sobbing.

After Jeremy had been taken out by security, Andrew came over to the group, “The medic is going to take you guys in the back room to patch you up…Anna, are you alright…the baby?”

“I think I’m okay…the baby too…he just grabbed my wrist pretty hard, but that was it…he didn’t push me or anything like Georgie…”

“He wouldn’t be alive if he had,” Will hissed angrily thinking about it.

Lacing her fingers with her husband’s, Anna and Will followed Andrew to the room where the medic was waiting. Georgie was still holding tightly onto Skandar’s waist. He in turn had his arm around her shoulder trying to soothe her shaking form.


Anna and Will came out of the back room to find that the party had dispersed and the club was now empty. Andrew was waiting for them at one of the tables.

“The medic said I’m fine…and the baby is fine…but that I should go home and rest my nerves…” Anna said, a hand over her belly and the other holding onto Will.

“I think that’s a good idea…I’m sorry for all this…I didn’t think to have security watch out for him,” Andrew said quietly.

“It’s not your fault, Andrew. Really…” Will said.

“Well, there’s nothing else to do now…so you can finish the rest of your pregnancy in peace at least. No more press conferences or interviews or bar fights after a premiere.”

Will and Anna laughed at the comment. They took a seat beside Andrew. All three wanted to wait for Georgie and Skandar.


The medic poured a bit of alcohol on a cotton swab to clean Georgie’s cut. Her eyes widened, filling with tears. She turned her head towards Skandar who was sitting beside her.

“This is going to sting a bit miss,” said the medic.

Closing her eyes, Georgie rested her forehead against Skandar’s arm and he squeezed her hand reassuringly. When the alcohol touched the cut, Georgie winced and clenched her teeth.

“It’ll be over soon , Georgie…just the stitches and we can go…” Skandar said softly.

“Why did you say those things you said Skandar?” inquired Georgie through tears. She gazed at their entwined fingers. She didn’t want to look at Skandar or the medic who was now closing her wound.

“If you want the truth…I don’t know, Georgie. I was worried about Anna and…you know how I am when I’m upset…I don’t like to be bothered…that’s no excuse for those things I said to you of course…I’ve regretted what I said the moment I said it…I’ve been wanting to apologize to you, but you wouldn’t answer my phone calls or return my messages…I don’t blame you really…I don’t know why you even put up with me…”

“You’ve never been so angry at me before…we’ve had our disagreements, but most of them were only in fun…and I know we’ve been angry with each other before…but you’ve never hurt me that way before…”

“I’m sorry, Georgie…I’m really sorry…I don’t know how many times I’ve said those words to you…I never wanted to hurt you…”

“I know…I don’t want this to happen anymore…maybe we should keep our distance…I obviously annoy you…and well…”

“I don’t want that, Georgie. I’ve gone mad already thinking I made you hate me…”

“I could never hate you…Sometimes I wish I could…”

“Georgie…” Skandar began, but was immediately cut off by Georgie.

“Thank you…for trying to protect me tonight…” Georgie said.

“It’s my job…as your honorary big brother I mean…”

“Well thank you…”

“There you are miss…all finished…” the medic said standing and placing everything back in his medical bag.

“Thank you…”

Nodding, the medic left the back room. Georgie picked up her sweater, but realized the arm was torn and decided not to put it on, which was unfortunate because it was rather cold outside. Skandar, without hesitation placed his jacket around Georgie’s shoulders. Taking her hand he led her out into the club where they were met by Anna, Will and Andrew.

“Georgie, are you okay?” Anna asked anxiously, getting out of her chair and hugging her.

“Fine…I had to get stitches though…Tilda was right about it being pretty deep…” answered Georgie.

“I called your mum…and explained what happened…she thinks it’s best if you stay with us tonight…” Will said.

“Skandar, your mum and dad said the same thing…if you don’t mind staying with Will and Anna that is…” added Andrew.

“Of course not…that sounds fine…”

“I want to thank you for what you did tonight…” Will said, embracing Skandar. “For Anna and the baby when I wasn’t there right away…I don’t even want to think about what would have happened…”

Skandar just smiled in reply.

“Can we leave now?” asked Georgie, “I’m so tired.”


Will watched his wife step out of her formal clothes and into her sweat pants and tank top. She took out the bobby pins that were holding her hair and let it fall to her shoulders. After hanging up her dress, Anna more or less waddled over to her bed and lied down next to her husband.

“Georgie and Skandar asleep?” she whispered, lying her head against Will’s chest.

“Yeah…Georgie went right out…I had to give her some pain medicine, she said her arm hurt,” replied Will.

“Why can’t our life be normal? I mean…why do these things happen to us?”

“Maybe it’s a test…”

“Well, it’s getting to be ridiculous…I mean really…in who else’s life would their ex friend show up, who in the past tried to kiss them and ruin their relationship…it’s ridiculous,” repeated Anna.

Will brought his hand over Anna’s stomach and caressed it gently. He smiled when he felt his son kick. “I’m just glad you and the baby are alright…I’m afraid what I would have done if all those people weren’t there…if he had hurt you or the baby…”

“Don’t think about it…I’m fine…Georgie and Skandar are fine…the baby is fine,” Anna giggled, “And kicking.”

“I’m sorry I wasn’t there right away…”

“Will, please…stop it…I asked you to go get Skandar and Georgie…you didn’t willingly leave me…”

“I love you, Anna Moseley…” said Will.

“I’ll never get tired of hearing that…” Anna said kissing her husband gently.

“I’ll never get tired of saying it…”

“We’re going to have a baby soon, William…”

“Really? I hadn’t noticed…” laughed Will.

Grabbing a hold of her husband’s ear, Anna pulled on it, “Sarcasm will get you nowhere darling…”

“That was a bit hard, wasn’t it?” said Will rubbing his ear. “You’re quite evil sometimes, you know. I hate it when you do that.”

“Why do you think I do it? And we really should get working on the nursery soon…”

“We can start this weekend if you like…You know my love…you’ve had bit of a stressful evening,” Will began playing with the waistband of his wife’s sweatpants.

Anna smirked. “I’d say so…”

“Perhaps…I should relieve some of your stress for you…being a good husband and all…”

“Yes…perhaps you should…I love you William…I’ll never stop loving you…”

Smiling, Will leaned down in his wife’s ear and sang softly, “I’m gonna love you more than anyone…I’m gonna hold you closer than before…and when I kiss your soul your body will be free…I’m gonna love you more than anyone…”

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