Big Bang and NFE Updates!

May 10, 2013 12:20

Hello folks!

Unfortunately, the Big Bang went out with a whimper, as participants dropped out and I ran into a bunch of offline conflicts that left me out of touch for a while. Sorry about that! :( If there's interest next year, we'll try it again, but if not, it was fun while it lasted.

We had one participant who finished her story (yay, tantella!), and I'm going to work with her to (hopefully!) post it to the comm (formatting issues ahoy! :D). If that doesn't work out, we will post a link to the work on

Sorry that was a bust!


On to the NFE! If there is interest in it, we can have it again this summer. I was going to attempt it on AO3 this year, but since I am already having computer issues, I'd rather not complicate things. So if it runs, it will be on LJ again (with the DW comm as backup, if needed).

I don't know, are people interested in participating in the NFE? Should we skip a year? You tell me! Here's a poll:


Thank you for taking the poll! Please use the comments for any questions, ideas, concerns, etc. Or email to

nfe, narnia big bang, narnia fic exchange 13, admin

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